He gave an exaggerated sigh. “Just my luck that the woman I see every day, who needs a damn good orgasm, has put me in the friend zone.”
Samantha smiled, grateful that he’d taken the rejection on the chin with no apparent dent to his ego. “I’m sure it’s an entirely new experience for you. It’ll do you good.”
“Yes, Mom,” he said, rolling his eyes.
“Are you still okay with helping me find dates?”
“Are you kidding? If the other dates turn out to be as hilarious as the first, I’m definitely along for the ride.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“What else are friends for? But remember.” He tapped the sink then backed slowly away, a knowing smile playing on his mouth. “Any time you’re in need of a truly good orgasm, just yell.”
Muscles behind Samantha’s belly button contracted in a very unhelpful manner at the low, smutty promise in his voice. “You’ll be my first port of call. I promise.”
“I’m joining a convent.”
“That’s nice. Let me know when you’re ovulating and I’ll bust you out.”
“I’m being serious, Bec. I’m having absolutely no luck with men.”
“So the date with the aeronautical engineer didn’t go well?”
“It was terrible. He was this really super intelligent guy, like a genius or something.”
“Sam, you have an IQ of 135.”
“Yeah. He asked me mine so I told him.”
“He was horrible. It was like he had to prove he was smarter than me. He intellectualized everything. Honestly, I needed a dictionary tounderstand half the crap that was coming out of his mouth.”
“Sounds heavy going.”
“It felt like an episode ofSurvivorinstead of a date. Outwit. Outlast.Outplay. Except the food was better. Desserts to die for.”
“How was the kiss test?”
“Oh please. Kissing was beneath him.” Samantha groaned. “It’s driving me crazy, Bec! I’ve been on seven dates, which is a lot of kissing. And nothing. From Colin the White to the intellectual giant… nothing. I work in a shop where I’m surrounded all day by books with lots of sex. I work with a guy who is sex on legs and my damn clock is ticking so loud I can barely hear myself think!”
“So, have sex with Nick. He did offer.”
“No. I told you, he’ll be back in Canada soon enough being God’s gift to hockey and he doesn’t want babies. He’s a friend. And that’s all.”
“A sex-on-legs friend. I’ve googled him.”
Of course Bec had. “It’d screw things up.”
“Maybe it’d make things better.”
“No. No fucking with men outside the demographic. It’s very important. I even wrote it on a Post-it. And besides, I like having him as a friend. I get lots of insider information on men. We have fun. I do not want to stuff that up.”
“Okay, okay. So… who’s next?”
“A funeral director.”