Page 12 of Breaking the Ice

He marked another cross next to the first. “Any retail experience?”


Another cross. “Dear me, Ms. Evans, you’re supposed to be selling yourself.”

Her laugh this time was full throated, her grey eyes lighting like sunshine through clouds and Nickreallywanted to hear more of it.

“Oh. Right. Um… well, let me see. I can read.”

“Literate.” Nick put a tick under the crosses. “That helps.”

“I’m good with figures. I can help you with the accounts.”

Nick just stopped himself from saying,Damn right you’re good with figures. “Excellent.” A second tick down. Thankfully Birdie had been a meticulous bookkeeper but it wasn’t something that was really in Nick’s skill set. “Anything else?”

“Um…” She shook her head, clearly trying to come up with another plus. “Apparently there’ll be men lined up out the door all gagging to get a look at the Rubenesque assistant.”

Nick smiled triumphantly –fuck yesthere would be. “That’s the spirit.” And he’d make it his mission to get her to actuallybelieveit, too. “Consider yourself employed. I’ll be gone for several hours each afternoon for my physio sessions so you’ll be flying solo then, otherwise it’s you and me. Until your better offer comes along, of course.”


She clapped her hands excitedly which was so spontaneously delightful, it caused a warm glow right in the center of his chest.

“It can’t be that easy.”

“You’re right.” He nodded solemnly. “There is a condition.”

“I knew it,” she said, her eyes downcast in mock rejection.

Reaching behind, he pulled a Western off the shelf. “You have to read a Marshall Grover.”

“Deal.” And much to his surprise she thrust out her hand as if she didn’t want to give herself time to change her mind. “But I have a condition of my own.”

Nick took her hand, warmth flushing all the way up his arm at the contact. “Ms. Evans,” he murmured, injecting a little flirt into his voice. “I make the conditions around here.”

It was gratifying to hear her breath hitch a little and know that he wasn’t the only one a little discombobulated by thisvibeflickering to life. With her hand in his, the fact there was a puck out there somewhere with his name on it, was completely forgotten.

Ignoring his edict, she said, “You have to read a Rita Summers.”

Nick quirked an eyebrow. Right now, he would have eaten a ton of arugula if she’d asked. And he hated that spiky, peppery,weedwith a passion. “Rita Summers?”

“She writes pirate heroes.”

“I thought pirates were villains?”

“Hers aren’t… exactly.”

Nick’s gaze dropped to her mouth, watching Samantha’s lips as they formed the words and wondered if they’d be as soft to kiss as they looked. Soft, like the rest of her. A few moments passed before he realized he’d been holding her hand for longer than was appropriate and she was waiting for his response.

He cleared his throat. “Deal,” he agreed, his fingers slipping from hers.

Hell, Nick couldn’t wait to find out whatexactlymeant. Something told him that pirates were Samantha’s kink and he sure as hell wanted to know more aboutthat.


Day three at Birdie’s and Samantha was on a high. Work was…fun.Now, there was a concept. She got to indulge her favorite past time – reading – as well as chatting with the regulars she’d met at Birdie’s over the last five years.

And,bonus– her eggs had quit whining.