My brows drew together. “Me what?”
“What’s your name,cara?”
If he kept using that nickname for me in a sexy Italian accent, I was going to melt into a puddle all over the expensive leather of my seat. “Vivienne Blackwell.”
“A beautiful name for a gorgeous woman,” he replied in a silky tone that sent a shiver of awareness down my spine.
I had just run from a man who had proven to be a danger to my physical and mental well-being, but Chet had nothing on Rafa DeLuca. He had a lethal air to him that my former fiancé probably would have envied. Yet he didn’t instill any fear in me—just a smidge of wariness. But also a sense of security that was odd under the current circumstances. I felt safer in the back ofhis SUV than I had since I realized what a mistake I’d made accepting Chet’s proposal.
With his dark hair and eyes, chiseled jaw paired with high cheekbones, beard that looked as though he’d skipped shaving for the past couple of weeks, and kissable lips…the man who rescued me was everything Chet wished he could be and more. I had no doubt that Rafa could command the attention of everyone who crossed his path without even trying. He certainly had mine in a way that no other man had ever accomplished.
The timing couldn’t be worse for me to feel true attraction for the first time in my life, but my body didn’t seem to care how inappropriate its reaction to Rafa was. No matter how often I shifted in my comfortable leather seat, the ache between my thighs didn't ease. This might also be because I was trying not to be too obvious about it since I didn’t want Rafa to realize how he was affecting me.
“Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say.”
“Kind?” His lips curved just a tiny bit at the edges. “I don’t think anyone has ever used that particular word to describe me before.”
With how careful he’d been of me, I would’ve expected it to be something he heard often. “You definitely earned it tonight.”
“Only because you’re special,cara.” His gaze drifted to the cut on my lip, and his eyes hardened. “I find myself hoping you’re right about your ex coming for you because I’m looking forward to teaching him what it means to mess with someone under my protection. ”
There was a lot to unpack with what he said. Ignoring the butterflies that swirled in my belly over hearing that he thought I was special, I asked, “What does that mean…me being under your protection?”
“All you need to know is that you’re safe now. No one will harm you while you’re in my care.”
His vague answer was irritating…but also comforting because there wasn’t a hint of doubt in his tone over being able to keep me safe. “That’s all well and good, but I’ll have to face reality on my own soon.”
He muttered something in Italian under his breath.
“Now isn’t the time to borrow trouble,cara. You’re safe while you’re with me, so let’s just focus on that,” he suggested.
I pinched the bridge of my nose to stop the tears that wanted to spill from my eyes. “That’s hard to do when I don't even know where to tell you to take me.”
“Then let me relieve that burden from you.”
I shook my head. “I don’t understand what you mean.”
“I’m taking you home with me.”
As I sputtered in response to his reply, I finally noticed that we’d left the highway who knew how many minutes ago. “You’re taking me to your home?”
“I am.”
My eyes widened when the SUV turned into the driveway of a mansion with armed guards at the gate. “Why does it feel like we drove to another world in less than twenty minutes?”
Rafa shrugged. “The ride is usually longer, but my driver doesn’t fuck around and we got lucky with traffic.”
“That doesn’t explain all this.” As the gates opened, I gestured toward the sprawling house that looked twice the size of the impressive one I grew up in. Turning in my seat, I pointed toward the men we’d passed. “Or why those guys are carrying guns.”
“I’m a wealthy man, and I take my security seriously.” He reached over and threaded his fingers through mine, giving my hand a squeeze. “Which is why your ex won’t be able to get to you while you’re here.”
While I appreciated the image that popped into my head of Chet with the barrel of a gun in his face, I was a little freaked out by the fact that Rafa had armed guards at the gate of his home. Chet’s dad was the former governor of Tennessee, and he didn’t even need that level of security. Then again, I doubted his level of wealth came anywhere near Rafa’s. Still…
I was second-guessing my decision to climb into his SUV when the driver pulled in front of the house. I had just about decided that I made a huge mistake as he led me up the steps of the giant wraparound porch. But then we walked inside, and a young girl who was twelve or thirteen raced toward Rafa and threw herself in his arms.
Her long hair was the same shade of brown as his, and her features were similar enough—although feminine instead of the brutal masculinity of Rafa’s face—that it was obvious she was related to him. My body stiffened as it dawned on me that although he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, this very well could be his daughter and his wife was somewhere in the house.