“I wanted to run something by you.”
He yawned, then muttered, “Shoot.”
“Are you familiar with Chet Chanler?”
Fox was quiet for a minute, then he replied, “Know of him. Spoiled, pompous little motherfucker.”
“Sounds right,” I agreed dryly.
“He’s crooked as fuck. You don’t want anything to do with him.”
I sighed. “Unfortunately, that’s unavoidable.”
Fox swore under his breath. “Nic know about this?”
“Not yet,” I answered honestly.
I knew my answer was telling, and Fox picked right up on it. “About a woman, I’m guessing.”
“Sì.” I gave him a brief overview of the past thirty-six hours.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered. “We’ve got a file on him. Gonna send it over when we’re done. Good news is, the little shit can be bought for the right price—and he doesn’t give a fuck who’s paying it. So he doesn’t have anyone—besides Mommy andDaddy—who are truly loyal to him. Just throws money around to get stuff done and doesn’t realize that if the shit ever hits the fan, he’ll be shredded by the blades.”
“That’s the good news?”
“Bad news is that he’s currently mixed up in some real shady shit, and until it’s over, or he betrays the assholes he’s in it with, they’ll have a vested interest in keeping him alive. Which means going after him could shed unwanted attention on the Family.”
“So no good options,” I grumbled, rubbing my temples where I felt tension gathering.
“Nah. But there are some not-so-bad moves you could make. If it’s handled carefully, you should be able to take care of him while keeping things under the radar.”
For the next half hour, we talked through some strategies. I was about to end the call when he sighed and growled, “Rafa, wait.”
“Shouldn’t tell you this…but I think you need to know, and I won't give you any specifics.”
I frowned. From his tone, I was confident that I wouldn’t like whatever he had to tell me.
“This isn’t the first time Chet has gotten abusive with a woman.”
“What the fuck?” I growled.
“Parents managed to sweep it under the rug both times…that I know about. The last one, though, he didn’t want to let her go. She came to us because she needed to disappear.”
So many caustic emotions swirled around inside me that I felt like I might lose my fucking mind at any second.
“Chet ruined her life by spreading false tales that got her kicked out of school, turned on by her friends, and even managed to have her lawyer father disbarred. Of course, he promised to make it all go away if she came back to him.”
“Merda,” I cursed.
“One day, she found a bag of white powder in her car and realized he’d planted drugs on her. It was serious fucking luck that she discovered them before driving to work where she would inevitably be pulled over and her car searched. She flushed it and showed up on our doorstep a few days later. King helped us with a new identity, and we smuggled her to a new home.”
King was the president of another MC, except this one was in Georgia and not far from Camillia Falls. My connection to that MC was stronger because one of my cousins, who was like another brother to me, had patched a few years ago.
“Why tell me this?” I finally asked.
“To warn you that his fixation on your woman might be a bigger problem than anticipated. And to let you know that we’ve got your back. You want to go at this motherfucker, we’re in.”