“The sister who loaned me the pajamas last night?” I asked.
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Finally, her packed closet was put to good use.”
“Speaking of closets…” I drawled.
“You found the clothes.” His gaze dropped to the jeans and sweater I was wearing, heat flaring in his dark eyes that made me wonder if he was trying to guess which bra and panty were beneath them. “I forgot to tell you earlier that they look good on you.”
I twirled a lock of my hair around my finger, feeling shy. “It wouldn’t have been easy to miss them, considering how many options there were to choose from. You probably went a little overboard.”
“You look too gorgeous this morning for that to be possible.”
My blush deepened at the compliment. “Thank you.”
I lost track of the point I wanted to make about the clothes and how it was a shame that I wouldn’t be able to wear more ofthem when he extended his arm and asked, “Ready for a quick tour?”
I was too curious about his home to pass up the opportunity to explore it more. Crooking my elbow through his, I nodded. “Absolutely.”
I had completely lost my bearings more often than I could count by the time he wrapped up the tour in a hallway that wasn’t far from the kitchen. Which I only knew because we’d just walked through it to get here.
“And this leads to the staff accommodations. We like to give them their privacy, so it’s also off-limits,” he explained.
At the start of the tour, Rafa had told me that I could wander wherever I wanted except for a few places he’d point out to me. Other than where the staff lived, he’d only pointed out the basement—which was undergoing some construction after being flooded—and the woods behind the pool area that I’d gawked at from the back patio. With its white marble paved deck and private cabanas with billowing sheer curtains, the space looked as though it belonged at an exclusive resort in the French Riviera instead of a small town in Georgia. Only the forest lacked the olive trees I’d seen in France and was denser…which was why Rafa warned me away from it, so I didn’t get lost out there.
He’s also taken me out to the stables and promised that we’d go riding eventually. On our way back, he pointed out his mother’s house and the building where the landscape workers and farm hands ate their meals.
“Carmen wasn’t joking about how easy it is to get lost around here.” I shook my head with a laugh. “Have you had maps printed and laminated for your visitors?”
“Not yet, but I’ll take it under advisement,” he teased, his lips curving into a slight smirk.
“And maybe some signs for the rooms that are off-limits,” I suggested.
“That too.”
I got turned around again as he led me back to the den and muttered, “As long as Carmen is running errands, you should tell her to buy that laminator.”
He shook his head with a chuckle and his lips curved into a sly smile. “Or perhaps I only need to show you how to get to this room.”
He walked over to a door on the far side of the room, opening it and gesturing for me to walk inside. My eyes widened as I took in the dark wood shelves on all four walls, lined with more books than I could read in this lifetime.
“Wow,” I breathed. “You definitely don’t need to worry about those maps. I’ll just stay here forever.”
“I saved the library for last because I thought it might be your favorite.”
“You were absolutely right.” I wandered over to the nearest bookcase and trailed my fingers over the spines that were at eye level. “Ooh, there’s a romance section.”
Rafa came up behind me, the heat from his body practically scorching my back with how close he was. “My mother insisted on it.”
I twisted around to smile up at him, my heart racing at his nearness. “Do you think she’d mind if I borrow something to read?”
“Not at all,” he assured me with a wry grin that just about made my lacy panties spontaneously combust. “Just be prepared for her to pepper you with questions about which part you liked best.”
I selected a book already on my to-be-read list and hugged it against my chest. “That’s an easy one. The first kiss always gets me in the feels.”
“Then let’s pretend this one is our first,” he suggested before turning me fully so that he could dip his head and claim my mouth.
His kiss left me breathless, just like the other two he’d given me in the kitchen. Clutching his shoulders, I let out a disappointed sigh when one of his men burst our bubble of privacy by rapping his knuckles against the doorframe and murmuring, “Sorry, boss.”
“What is it?” Rafa asked.