Page 30 of Found Forever

“I’m an old-fashioned girl, Decker. I’d like to be proposed to the old-fashioned way.”

Oh, she was a pistol.

His pistol.

Sinking to one knee on the rocks and ignoring the pain throbbing in his patella, he reached for her hand. “Joanna Winifred Matilda Fernsby …” She snorted at his use of all her names, the ones she had after her grandmothers. “Will you do me the honor of marrying me? And not just so you can get a green card and live in the states, but because I am good at sex and you like being around me.”

Her smile was radiant. She had the most gorgeous freshly fucked glow and all those adorable freckles were out for him to kiss. She had a lot of them, so he needed to get going. “Yes, Decker Matthew McKnight. I will marry you. And it’s not just because you’re good and sex—and fingerbanging—but because I also like being around you.”

They smiled at each.

Then her smile dropped. “Now what? I’m guessing you don’t have a ring.”

“We’ll go buy you one in Denver tomorrow,” he said matter-of-factly.

She nodded.

“But right now, I need to make sure you know I’m not just a decent lay and fingerbanger, but I can also eat pussy like a fucking pro.” Then he lunged forward, making her squeak out in surprise, and he scooped her up and laid her back down on the blanket where he bent her knees and spread her thighs.

Her pussy was beautifully pink and plump and still slick from arousal.

She tried to squirm away from him, though, but he held her thighs firmly. “Noooo, I’m going to taste like condom and I just hiked. I’ll be all gross. Let me swim in the lake first.”

He shook his head and hunkered down on his belly, flicking her clit with his tongue and causing her to spasm. “Nuh-uh. I don’t care if mywifehas just been to the gym on a hike or had my cock with a condom on inside her—or no condom at all. I will eat her until she screams, no matter what.” Decker glanced up her body and their gazes met as he latched his lips around her clit and sucked.

Her eyes went wide, and she exhaled a slow, “Fuuuuuuucckkkk.”

He grinned against her cleft, then he closed his eyes and got to work, eating his fiancée’s pussy, because there was nobody else’s he’d rather eat. For the rest of his fucking life.

One year later …

With the sun hanging low in the sky, illuminating his wife from behind as she raced toward him on the quad, Decker’s pulse picked up tempo. She looked like a golden-haired redneck angel—kind of.

She wasn’t a redneck—per se—but with her hair in a ponytail,hisflannel shirt way too big for her keeping her warm, and a pair of jeans and boots, she looked like she belonged on this ranch almost more than he did.

You’d never know that twenty minutes ago Joanna wore leotards, ballet shoes and had her hair up in a tight and perfect bun, teaching pirouettes to children all day.

Her smile made his heart soar, and he climbed down off the ladder from where he’d been cleaning the gutters, to meet her as she pulled up and turned off the engine.

“Howdy,” she said, trying for a southern drawl. It came out funny with her English accent.

“Howdy,” he echoed. He ate up the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. “How was your day?”

“Wonderful. Megan finally perfected her fouetté. I cried. She cried. We all cried.”

He rubbed her back. Joanna was such a wonderful teacher. The students responded incredibly to her. She put her heart and soul into helping them achieve their dreams. Megan was an older student, in her final year of high school and was actually awarded a dance scholarship. She was Joanna and Mieka’s star pupil. So he knew Megan’s achievement would make Joanna emotional. She loved her students with her whole heart.

She loved life—and Decker—with her whole heart.

“How about you? How was your day?” she asked.

“Cleaned the gutters—just finishing up—made dinner. You know.” They both snorted.

That wasn’t just it. He’d been up before Joanna and down at the ranch to help Asher and Nate with the animals. Then he spent part of the afternoon helping Asher mend sections of the fence, and finally, he came home, worked on dinner and while that cooked, he cleaned out the gutters.

There was always something to do on the ranch. Whether it was on their prefab home on one edge of the field, or the farmhouse, or Triss and Asher’s place. Something always needed cleaning, mending, or goat-proofing.

Her belly rumbled, and she stepped out of his embrace. “Well, I’m starving.”