Page 15 of Found Forever

“You are not a Shitzu,” Decker said with a grunt, trying to shove the brute off him before he shattered Decker’s pelvis. “Macklin. Get. Off.”

But it was useless. The horse tipped his head back and leaned into Decker even more. It must have looked ridiculous. A thousand-pound horse sitting like a dog on Decker’s lap. If he wasn’t in so much pain, he’d laugh.

Someone else laughed, though.

And it was a beautiful laugh.

A throaty, feminine chuckle that made his dick twitch.

“Macklin, get off him, you silly goose,” Joanna said.

Macklin must have preferred Joanna to Decker, because as soon as she spoke, the horse scrambled to get up and go to her, where she was walking toward them in the field.

Decker groaned and stretched his legs. “Bastard might have broken my femur.”

“Who? This big baby? Never. He’s as gentle as a day-old lamb.” She stroked Macklin’s face as he slowly walked beside her, nuzzling her. “Aren’t you, darling? You’re just a big love bug. Wouldn’t hurt a fly, let along a big scary SEAL.”

Macklin made a horse noise to agree with her.

“Thousand-pound wolf in sheep’s clothing, that one.” Decker stood up, admiring the way her lacy white dress with the small flowy sleeves hugged her body, accentuating her curves. Like last night, she let her long blonde curls drift down her back naturally. But unlike last night, she wasn’t wearing any makeup, and that’s when he noticed all the freckles across her cheeks and chin.

He wanted to kiss each and every one of them.

She and Macklin met him in the shade of the oak tree. He was sure he was just seeing things, but he could have sworn Macklin gave him some side-eye. Like he was saying, “She’s my woman, don’t come any closer.”

She batted long—but not fake—pretty eyelashes at him. “How are you feeling today?”

“Fine,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck. “You?”

“My head was a little sore this morning, but I popped a paracetamol and was fine within an hour.”

He nodded. Goddamn it, she was pretty.

Sun-kissed skin, rosy cheeks, unique blue-hazel eyes.

And he couldn’t forget the sounds she made when he got her off. Those were magnificent and noises he’d be recalling in the future for sure. Like when he was by himself with his cock in his palm.

“So um … about last night,” she whispered, nibbling on her bottom lip. “I was sad. Sad, but happy. Happy for my friend, of course, but sad for myself—you know, about my job and stuff. But I never meant to …” More pink infused her cheeks. “I hope I didn’t …”

A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. He tilted his head a little. She was flustered, and he enjoyed it.

“I didn’t like …”

He lifted his brows. Waiting.

“I didn’t likeforceyou to fingerbang me, did I?”

She was so fucking cute he couldbarely stand it.

“No, Joanna. You didn’tforceme to fingerbang you.”

Relief creased her features. “Oh good. I know I propositioned you and you turned me down. Then I woke up knowing you’d fingered me, but I started to worry I like guilted you into it or something. It wasn't like a pity fingering was it?” She cringed. "Oh lord, please say it wasn't."

It was tough to keep himself from smiling too wide from just how adorable she was right now. “No. No guilting. No forcing was needed. It was totally consensual. I wouldn’t have stuck my fingers inside you if I didn’t one hundred percent want to. And it absolutely wasn't out of pity.”

She nodded and glanced away, still absentmindedly petting Macklin. “Good good. I didn’t think you would, but you know … our mind plays tricks on us when we’ve been drinking.”

“It can, yes.”