Page 14 of Found Forever

A military man himself, Pasha’s husband Heath, instantly knew something was wrong, and he lifted his chin at Decker and the Harris brothers. Rayma’shusband and Oona’s partner were brothers, and both were Canadian cops, so they tuned into the vibe right away, as well.

Decker, Asher and Nate tried to dismiss them, but it was to no avail and within a minute, they were relaying everything to the three men in one of the spare bedrooms down the hall.

“Get me his name,” Heath said. “My brother is a hacker. He’ll have everything on this guy pulled up in an hour. Down to how big his shits were when he was still in diapers.”

“How is that even possible?” Jordan, Rayma’s husband, asked giving Heath a strange look.

“You know what I mean,” Heath muttered, rolling his dark blue eyes.

Decker nodded and punched in a request for the guy’s name to Molly. He didn’t want to bother Ryker and go through one more channel when he could just get the information from the source.

Molly messaged back almost instantly.

Adrian Michael Huber.

Then she sent a picture, too.

Decker sent all of this to Heath, who shot it off to his brother.

“Chase is on it,” Heath said a moment later, his gaze fierce with conviction. “This fucker can’t hide.”

Decker and the Harris brothers grunted, then they all filed back out of the bedroom and into the house and chaos.

Even with the throng of people and roar or noise, it was like he had an uncanny sixth sense about Joanna or something. Because he felt her before he saw her. She was standing in the kitchen with Mieka and Pasha, laughing as she pushed scrambled eggs around in a big pan on the stove.

But she must have felt his eyes on her, because when she turned around, a beautiful pink flooded her cheeks.

Her smile was sweet. Almost demure. But not quite.

He knew she was staying in the old farmhouse, but for some reason he didn't expect to see her that morning. Maybe because after their moment on the hay bales, she’d bounced right back out onto the dance floor and continued to drink, well past Decker, heading to bed.

She looked bright-eyed and headache free, though. And more beautiful than he remembered.

After a buffet-style breakfast where everyone just sat where they could with a plate full of greasy breakfast goodness, the crowd dispersed. Some guests were heading home right away, while others took their time.

Kids wanted horse and pony rides. Then there was feeding the goats, the pigs and cows on the to-do list for the younger generation. And of course, taking down the tent and putting away all the tables and chairs.

Besides the slightly trampled grass, by the time they were done, you’d never really guess that there’d been a big wedding with loads of dancing less than twenty-four hours ago. It just looked like a big field again.

Decker said goodbye to his brothers as Aaron, Colton and Rob all drove away with their families.

Barnes’s wife, Brier, stuck around until Barnes and Cal returned, then they headed back to Cal’s with Hannah to stay there until their jet returned from Jackson Hole. They said they had nowhere to be, so they were just going to hangout.

Oh, to be billionaires without a care in the world.

Slowly, the numbers dwindled.

The Young Sisters had a tense relationship with their parents, so Mr. and Mrs. Young took their leave to the airport by mid afternoon. Eventually, it was just ranch hands, the Young sisters and their spouses and children (though, only Pasha and Triss had kids), Joanna and Decker.

It was easier to stay busy and avoid each other when there were so many people to come between them, but now that there were fewer people, it felt like they were constantly in each other’s orbit.

Not that he was complaining. But she seemed to almost be avoiding him.

It was four o’clock and Decker felt the pull of solitude. He lived alone, he often worked alone now. He was used to being on his own and he didn’t mind his own company.

Not that crowds necessarily bothered him, but he’d been around them for the last three days. He needed a breather. So he wandered out to the field where several horses lazily stood under the shade of a gigantic oak and munched on grass. He sprawled out on his back, hands behind his head, and stared up at the clouds.

He didn’t realize that Macklin was one the horses in the field, though, since Macklin wasn’t with the other three when Decker first wandered out there. But the big baby of a grown-ass horse came trotting over within five minutes of Decker laying down and tried to sit his big horse’s ass in Decker’s lap.