“No fuck,” Nate muttered.
Ryker pushed to stand. “Well, I guess I better go pack.”
“I’ll go tell Hannah what’s going on,” Cal said. “Then we just need to drive to my place to get the chopper.”
“I’ll ride to the airport with you,” Barnes said. He also flew helicopters, but he was probably just coming along for support and to parlay the information about the private jet.
“You know that all you have to do is send out an S.O.S text and we’ll all be in Jackson Hole within the day, right?” Decker said to his brother, standing up as well.
“I know,” Ryker acknowledged. “Hopefully, it doesn’t come to that. But I know.”
They filed out of the tent, all of them grim and filled with worry.
Molly was family.
Sasha was family.
Rob was her godfather, but truthfully, they all were her godfathers. They would do anything for that little girl. They would do anything for Molly. Brendan had been the salt of the mother fucking earth and not a day went by they didn’t all think about him.
Decker accompanied his brother back to the bunkhouse and stuck by him for support as he packed up his duffle bag.
He’d obviously spent the night with at least one woman, but chances are it was two. However, his room was empty, and the bed hadn’t been slept in, so he must have had his fun somewhere else.
He was packed up and heading to the driveway to meet Cal in under five minutes.
Neither Ryker nor Decker said anything as the gravel crunched beneath their shoes. They didn’t need to.
Cal was already at his truck.
A few brays from the barn and clucks from the chickens penetrated the quiet June morning. Dew hung heavily on tree leaves and clung like crystal Christmas tree ornaments from the blades of grass. It was a beautiful day, but a cloud of worry hung gray and heavy over all their heads.
Decker wasn’t expecting to see the rest of his brothers in the driveway to see Ryker off, but he also wasn’t surprised. They were a team. Always would be.
Nothing really had to be said, either.
No, ‘keep us posted’ or ‘let us know when you land.’ All of that was expected and known. They’d been teammates and, more importantly, friends—brothers—for over twenty years. It was second nature to touch base and let your team know you were okay.
Decker stepped in and hugged his brother. “Give Sasha a squeeze from all of us.” He was careful not to say to give Molly a squeeze, too. He knew how hisbrother felt about Brendan’s wife and would actively be avoiding squeezing her, even though he really wanted to.
Standing in the driveway, they watched as Cal, Barnes, and Ryker drove away.
“Sick motherfucker needs to be put down is what he needs,” Aaron said with an angry grunt as he spun around to head back toward the field where his family slept in the big RV.
“Well, Ryker will do what needs to be done and clean up after himself.” Nate was unsuccessful at stifling a big yawn.
They all parted ways, heading back toward their families and partners, all except Nate and Asher, who made their way to the barn. Decker followed.
“Just because we partied all night and want to sleep in, doesn’t mean the animals feel the same way,” Nate said, pulling open the side door to the barn only to be greeted by a cacophony of brays and whinnies from horses. He turned to Decker. “Guess you need to learn the ropes, huh?”
“Put me in, coach,” Decker said with a crooked smile.
And they did. He mucked stalls, fed animals, collected eggs, took horses out to pasture, dodged goats who wanted to pee on him and barely managed to avoid being sat on by the attention-whore horse Macklin.”
It was ten o’clock, and the farm was finally starting to rouse by the time he and the Harris brothers headed into the main house, smelling like hay, goat piss—because they couldn’t avoid it all—and manure. His belly rumbled with the need for a good breakfast, and a tear nearly crept out the corner of his eye when they entered the old farmhouse and the sizzle of bacon met his ears at the same time the familiar scent wafted up his nostrils.
The house teamed with life.
All the Young sisters were awake, as were their spouses, and parents. Everyone had congregated in the living room and kitchen. Tired eyes and messy bedheads greeted him from every side.