Page 12 of Found Forever

Ryker shook his head. “Figured we’d do it together.”

Decker nodded. But then stopped his brother when Ryker brought out his phone. “All of us.”

Ryker immediately understood and shot off a quick text to their brothers.

Decker’s phone vibrated on his nightstand. Then there was a flurry of more vibrations from everyone’s responses.

A quick check of the time said it was eight in the morning. Nottootoo early, but for the morning after a wedding it was slightly unreasonable.

But this was Molly O'Shea. Brendan’s wife. Nobody would be upset at their summons, regardless of the hour.

He pulled on a pair of jeans, his socks and runners, then followed Ryker out into the hallway. They made sure they were quiet while passing the rest of the bedrooms in the bunkhouse. A few snores filtered out from behind closed doors, but otherwise, all was quiet.

The text said to meet in the tent, since it was away from the houses and RVs enough that they wouldn’t wake everyone.

Aaron and Colton were already waiting for them, and they could see Rob, Barnes, Asher, Nate and Cal trudging through the grass with the rising sun behind them.

Everyone greeted each other with grunts and tired eyes.

They took a seat around a big table.

Asher dragged a hand down his face. He had a new baby—Axel was only five months old—so he was extra tired. “What’s going on with Mol?”

Ryker glanced down at his phone and rattled off the message. “Hey Ryker. I’m really sorry to do this right now. I know you’re all at the wedding. I wish we could be there. But you’ve always said that I could call or message whenever. Well, I need help. I’ve gone to the police and filed a restraining order, but it’s not working. I’m scared for Sasha and for me. I briefly tried dating her soccer coach. It was great at first, but after a couple of months, he became really possessive and would demand to read my text messages and emails. He found an email from Rob and Skyler thanking us for the twin’s birthday presents and he lost his mind. Accused me of having an affair with Rob.”

“Jesus Christ,” Rob muttered.

Ryker continued. “He tried tapping my phone, and I found cameras in the house—even the bathroom and Sasha’s room. He’s been arrested, but he was released. He won’t leave us alone. We came home last night after Sasha’s dance recital to find Sasha’s cat dead and nailed to the side of the house. Sasha is terrified. The police have been notified again, but I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. Please help.”

You could cut the tension and fury around the table with a knife, it was so thick. If the air had a color, it would be flaming red.

Fists bunched on the table. Brows were pinched until they met in the center and scowls pulled down lips until everyone looked like a really grumpy old cat.

Decker cringed at the thought of Sasha’s cat and comparing all his brothers to grumpy cats. He should know better.

“I’ll go,” Aaron said first.

“Iwill go,” Ryker said with a headshake. “You all have families and things to tend to. I’ve got no new missions on the books, and I’ve been meaning to check in on them. It’s been almost a year.”

Decker knew why it’d been almost a year, but he wasn’t sure anyone else knew, so he didn’t sayanything.

Ryker lifted his chin at his twin. “Deck, you’re staying here to help Ash while Nate’s gone, right?”

Decker nodded.

“So it just makes sense for me to go,” Ryker said.

Decker lifted a brow at his brother, having a wordless conversation with him.

Ryker understood and responded with a barely noticeable shrug and head tilt.

“Nailed the cat to the side of the house. This is one sick fucker we’re dealing with,” Colton murmured, shoving his fingers into his hair and shaking his head. “Like, what the fuck?”

“I can fly you to Denver,” Cal said, offering up his helicopter.

“And we’ve got a jet just waiting for us at the airport,” Barnes added. “You’re welcome to it. It’ll get you to Jackson Hole in no time.”

Ryker nodded and thanked them both. “I need to get thereyesterday.” Worry rolled off Ryker, and Decker clamped his hand on his brother’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I shot off a text to Molly this morning and she messaged back to say they’ve positioned a police car and cop in front of her house for now. But she didn’t sleep. And Sasha is devastated.”