Page 11 of Found Forever

Shoving her fingers into his hair on either side of his head, she pulled him down to her, taking control of the kiss.

His fingers in her panties picked up speed just a touch and his thumb pressed a little harder on her clit.

“You’re going to come for me,” he murmured before biting her bottom lip. It wasn’t a question. It was an order.

She nodded and mewled, raking her nude-painted fingernails over his scalp

He flicked the hood of her clit with his short thumbnail and she fucking detonated.

She exploded.

She ruptured like twenty million volcanos.

She didn’t have to chase those pleasure waves anymore. They came crashing into her. And she had absolutely no strength—or desire—to run from them. Rather, she met them head on. Embracing the crushing collapse of bliss as it tore through her body. As it flowed into her like warm liquified honey, coatingher bones and muscles, wrapping around her heart and weaving through each rib.

She broke their kiss just for a moment and let out a faint squeak as her toes curled in her simple nude ballet flats.

But Decker gave her only three seconds of fresh air before he plundered her mouth once more and brought her back into his realm of pleasure.

She didn’t think she had another one in her. But this sexy stranger she just met clearly knew her body better than she did because with another scrape of his thumbnail over her way too sensitive clit, she was coming again. The orgasm wasn’t as potent, but it wasn’t anything to turn her nose up at, either.

By the time she finally came down from that second surprise climax, a sheen of sweat covered her chest and forehead and the evening breeze sweeping over her misted skin caused fresh goosebumps to chase themselves over her arms and back.

He broke their lip lock somewhere around the peak of her second orgasm and simply pressed his forehead to the side of her head as she shook and whimpered in his arms.

An uncontrollable shiver zipped from her nape to her toes and he squeezed her tighter. “That was beautiful,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple.

“That was …” She simply smiled, a glimmer of a laugh huffing past her lips as she fought to get her breathing under control.

“You’re staying here. I’m staying here. Let’s … get to know each other. We don’t have to promise each other forever, but I’d rather the first time I’m inside you be when I’ve gotten to know you—sober. And we have all the time in the world.”

She lifted her head, which caused him to lift his. Their gazes met. “Who are you, Decker McKnight?”

His smile was almost shy, and it pulled at threads in her heart she didn’t even know existed. “Just a boy, with his fingers inside a girl, asking her if she’d like to hang out with him when they’re sober.”

Thank god the pounding was on the door of his room and not in his head.

Though, to be fair, it’d been alongtime since Decker had had a decent hangover.

With a grumble and a groan, and muscles that pinched and pulled as he rolled out of the single-person cot, he double-checked that he had on underwear and padded barefoot across the small bunkhouse room to the door.

The room had blackout blinds, thank fuck. But the lights in the hallway were LED and bright as hell. He winced while his pupils painfully adjusted.

Ryker stood on the other side of the door, a worried expression on his face.

“What?” Decker grunted, leaving the door open and sauntering back into his room. He was in nothing but boxers and dog tags. But it was his twin brother, so he could have been in less and still not given a shit.

Ryker followed him inside and closed the door. “Molly texted me.”

Even though he wasn’t hungover, the effects of over-indulging last night still had Decker in its clutches. But hearing Brendan’s wife’s name sobered himfully. He finished tugging on his white T-shirt and snapped his gaze up to his brother's. “What did she say?”

Ryker’s haunted expression sent a frisson of unease careening down Decker’s spine. “She’s got a stalker.”

Heat flashed through Decker's insides and up his neck. “What?”

“I got the text late last night, but was …” Ryker’s cheeks actually went pink, which was a surprise. “I was indisposed and too drunk to answer. I didn’t check my phone until this morning. I feel sick.”

“You’d have been too drunk to drive, anyway. Have you called her?”