She was warm and soft and smelled delicious pressed up against him. And his cock was certainly on board, but Cal needed to get a couple of things straight before he went too far with his friends’ niece. He gently pushed her away by her shoulders until she peeled her lips from his, blinking up at him in confusion.
“Are you drunk?” he asked.
She looked at him like he was crazy. “I’ve had one glass and a sip of wine. No, I’m not drunk.”
Okay, that was a good answer.
“Are you drunk?” she asked. “Are these just beer or, in this case,winegoggles?”
“Definitely not drunk. And definitely not wine goggles. I just don’t want to take advantage of you. Iwantthis to happen. I want you, but I don’t want to take advantage when you’re sad and—”
“Cal, shut up. I’m a big girl. And right now, I want to kiss you again and then eventually, hopefully, get naked. You’re not taking advantage. I’m not drunk and I hope to God I remember this in the morning. So, unlessyou’rehaving second thoughts, I suggest you kiss me.”
The sides of his mouth nearly brushed his ears he smiled so big. But that smile didn’t last for long. His lips got busy doing other things as he claimed Hannah’s mouth, positioning himself on top of her on the couch. He’d paused the movie when she got up to get more pizza and hadn’t bothered to hit play again.
No matter.
They could watch it later.
And it wasn’t like they didn’t know how it ended.
Right now, they had much better things to be focusing their attention on.
Her body fit perfectly against his. All luscious curves, softness, and that exotic fruity scent. He broke their kiss. “What is that smell? What fruit is that? It’s been driving me nuts.”
She grinned up at him, her eyelids at half-mast and her pupils dilated. “Coconut and guava body wash.” Her smile faltered. “Do you not like it?”
“I love it. I want to fucking eat you. It smells so good.”
Her smile was back. Then it turned coy and downright salacious. “I certainly wouldn’t stop you.”
His eyes flared, and she bit her lip as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her pajama pants, making sure he grabbed her underwear, too, and slid them down her legs, exposing her pussy with the dark landing strip.
“Maybe we should take this to the bed?” she suggested. “I mean, more room and Bruno is giving you some serious stink-eye right now. I’m also not sure how keen I am to have sex on my uncles’ couch.”
All good points.
He wasted no time at all scooping her up while her pajama pants dangled from one foot, and he carried her down the hallway to one of the guest rooms, placing her gently on the bed. He tore off his long-sleeve gray waffle-knit shirt and her gaze sizzled along his skin.
“Pants, too,” she said, lifting her eyebrows.
He nodded and unfastened his belt and jeans, letting them slide to the floor at the foot of her bed. He stayed in his black boxer briefs with the pitched tent, and climbed up the bed, shouldering apart her knees, and sinking down to his belly.
Pressing his nose to her mound, he pulled in a deep inhale.
That fruity scent of guava and coconut filled his nostrils, along with her own feminine musk. His cock throbbed against his lower belly.
Slowly, using two fingers, he explored her pussy, widening her lips to the see the glistening pink center. He blew cool air on her clit and smiled when she sucked in a sharp breath and her hips leaped off the mattress.
He hadn’t put his mouth on her yet, even though he was dying to. He was just enjoying the view. Enjoying watching her unravel in front of him, and finally let down her guard, showing him who the real Hannah was. She had fire in her belly and he’d always been someone who ran toward the flames rather than away from them. Maybe he’d been a moth in a past life? Or perhaps he just liked the thrill. Either way, Hannah was hot inside and out, and Cal wasn’t the least afraid of getting a little burned.
“Cal,” she breathed, her hips churning as he blew more cool air across her clit and kissed along her inner thighs, swirling his tongue over her labia. “Please.”
“Suck my clit,” she exclaimed. “You’re killing me here.”
Ah, there she was!