“Oh, is that what we’re call your d-”

Josie lunges across the table covering his mouth with her hands. “Now, who’s ready to see what’s under the tree?”

Abby’s eyes light up, and she practically trips over her feet skipping to the living room. “I thought you’d never ask!”

Josie and I follow, with plates, forks and syrup into the living room. Just as we turn the corner, we see that Abbyhas already grabbed the first one she could reach and ripped the paper off with excitement. She whips out a silver Chanel bag Josie had insisted on buying Abby.

“Shut up!” She looks at Josie with crazed eyes. “Josie?”

“Merry Christmas.” Josie smiles sweetly, placing the syrup on the coffee table.

“You are going to be a perfect mom!” Abby squeals, looking at her bag with awe.

I take that as my cue, moving toward the back closet where I’ve hidden her real surprise. With a fake, hurt glare, I maneuver Abby’s present out and turn to face her, a huge pink box in my hands. Tiny holes dot the top, and a gold bow sits perfectly in place. “Well, I guess I’m just chopped liver, then.”

Abby raises her eyebrows, taking the gift from me with a playful grin. “Well, let’s see if your gift can top Josie’s.” She lifts the lid slowly, her breath catching when she sees what’s inside.

Abby slowly lips the top, and gasps when she sees what was inside. It’s a small dog, a fluffy golden retriever puppy with big brown eyes. The little puppy wiggles in the box, and Abby’s hands shake as she lifts the puppy up.

“Oh my god, Uncle Chris! You did not! A dog?!” she exclaimed, her voice cracking as her eyes filled with tears. “What’s his name?”

“Boomer!” Josie smiles, walking over to scratch the top of his head.

“I love him,” Abby coos, cuddling up to the puppy, before looking at me with big eyes. “Thank you.”

The moment is broken by Caleb, who came in from the kitchen, holding a large plate of French toast in one hand and a spatula in the other. “Alright, alright, let’s not get too emotional here, folks. I didn’t slave over breakfast for you all to sit around crying. Food’s ready!”

“Thanks for breakfast, though, man,” I say, my stomach growling.

We dig into the food, laughing, joking, and exchanging stories. Boomer begging everyone for a piece, and getting distracted by his toys in the corner of the room. When Abby finishes her breakfast, she looks at me with cautious eyes.

I place my plate down and lean in closer to her. “Abby, what’s wrong?”

“I have a present for you, Uncle Chris!” She whispers. “And I—uh, I want to ask both of you something. Something important.”

My chest tightens, the last time Abby wanted to ask me a question with that look in her eye, she wanted to find my sister, her mother, and I had to explain to her what addiction is.

Abby takes a deep breath. “Well… I’ve been thinking about this for a while now. You're… everything to me. I don’t know where I’d be without you. You’ve been there for me through all the hard times, and you never gave up on me.”

Her voice trembles slightly as she pulls an envelope out of her back pocket, handing it to me, her eyes bright with emotion. “Uncle Chris… I want you to adopt me. I want you to be my dad. Because you’re the only dad I’ve ever really known, and I know Josie and you are forming your own family, but I want to be a part of it, ifyou want me to?”

My breath hitches in my chest. I can see the nerves in Abby’s face, her fingers twisting together. I open the envelope, the adoption paper, already signed by Abby in my hands. “First, dad or not, there is no way you would not be a part of this family. You were always going to be an older sister to the triplets….but now, this? I… I don’t know what to say. You’ve already stolen my heart, sweetheart. I would be honored to be your dad.”

Abby’s face lights up, and tears fill her eyes as she flings herself into my arms, burying her face in my chest. “Thank you, thank you so much,” she whispers, her voice breaking.

Josie takes out her phone, a painfully large smile on her face as she takes pictures of the two of us hugging, and me signing the adoption papers. “Come here Mama Josie!” Abby smiles, pulling Josie into a bear hug.


Later that night, after the house had quieted down and Abby had gone on a walk with her new puppy, Christopher and I found ourselves alone on the couch. The Christmas lights cast a warm glow across the living room, and the fire crackled softly in the hearth. Caleb was in the kitchen, cleaning up the remains of our holiday feast, leaving us in our little bubble of warmth and comfort.

I lean into Christopher’s side, my head resting on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around me, pulling me close, and I can feel his heartbeat beneath his sweater—steady, strong, and reassuring. I close my eyes, soaking in the feeling of being safe and loved, allowing the joy of the day to wash over me.

“Josie,” he murmurs, his voice low and warm. My heart skips a beat, and I tilt my head to look up at him. The firelight flickering in his eyes, and there is something intense, almost vulnerable, in his gaze.

“Yeah?” I ask softly, my voice barely a whisper.

Christopher’s fingers gently brush through my hair, his eyes searching mine. “You know how much I love you, right?” His voice thick with emotion, and my heart racing so fast, I feel out of breath.