“No,” I let out a sharp humorless laugh. “No, I was the only one who ran after her. Damien, you played house with her father andCast, you sunk your cock into any girl with pink highlights. It wasmewho couldn’t live without her.”
“You think I was living without her?” Cast scoffs. “I was a dead man walking and you know it.”
“No, no.” I click my tongue in annoyance. “If Willow ever left me I would be dead. I can’tlivewithout her. Do you two understand that? She is everything to me, and she will be my wife.”
“No.” Damien chokes out.
“You are both ignoring her. She feels like nothing. You made her believe she wasn’t enough for either of you!”
Damien exhales sharply, “Excuse me?”
“You made my fiancée cry last night. Brothers don’t do that.” I take another sip of my whiskey, enjoying the burn.
Damien’s tone darkens as he speaks. “Brothers don’t take advantage of a situation andclaimthe girl we love for himself.”
I push back in my chair, scrubbing a hand down my face. “She’s not a fuckingpossession,Damien. I didn’ttakeanything. I loved her before either of you had the balls to admit it.”
Another pause. My grip tightens around the phone.
“So that’s it?” Cast finally says, quieter now, but no less dangerous. “You just get to have her? Just like that?”
I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. “This isn’t a competition. She loves you both. If you’d justtalkto her, you’d?—”
“No.” The way Cast says it, so final, so fuckingcertain,sends a slow, burning anger through my veins.
I sit forward. “No?”
“We’re done, Vincent.” Cast’s voice is cold. Detached. “You made your choice. You put a ring on her finger, knowing damn well we weren’t fucking done with her. You didn’t eventalkto us.”
My jaw tightens. “Cast?—”
“She’s not yours, Vincent. She is ours and one of these days my pet is going to come running back to me and when she does, her leash will be short.” Cast’s voice slices through me, and I feel like I can’t breathe.
“You wouldn’t fucking dare.” I snarl, my eyes wide.
“Don’t fucking call me again.” Cast says sharply.
The line goes dead.
I stare at my phone, my pulse pounding in my ears so loud it drowns out everything else. My chest is tight—too fucking tight—and my grip on the glass in my other hand turns bone-white.
I swallow hard, but it feels like trying to force down broken glass.
I should be pissed. Furious. Ready to punch a hole through the wall and call him back just to tell him to go fuck himself. But instead, I’m terrified. Because what if he’s right?
What if this ring on her finger isn’t enough? What if one day, she wakes up and realizes I was just the safest choice—the easiest one? That she only said yes because she was broken, and I was the one left to pick up the pieces?
My stomach churns.
I slam back the rest of my whiskey, but it does nothing to settle me. Nothing to quiet the voice in the back of my head whispering that maybe—just maybe—this was a mistake.
Because I know Cast. I knowDamien.They don’t just let go. They’re not the kind of men who accept loss.
And Willow?
She’severythingto me.
But what if I’m not enough for her? What if she looks at me one day and realizes she still wantsthem?