A pause. Then, a measured, “Interesting. Let’s see where you take this next.”
She moves on to the next student, but my chest feels tight as I return to my seat. Sofia, my next door neighbor and a talented mixed media artist, catches my eye and gives me a small, reassuring nod.
Rudy leans over from the seat beside me, his sketchbook balanced precariously on his knee. “Hey, that was solid,” he whispers, his voice low enough not to draw attention. Rudy’s always nervous in these critique sessions, but his talent with 3D painting speaks for itself. His work practically leaps off the page. “Professor Harlow’s just… intense. Don’t let her get in your head.”
I manage a small smile. Rudy’s encouragement helps, even if he’s a bundle of nerves himself. He’s been my closest friend here since I started over as ‘Rose Taylors.’
After class, Rudy dashes ahead, flinging his arm over my shoulders with dramatic flair and letting out a sharp whistle. “I am going to fail this class, and it is all Rosalita’s fault.”
“Yes, it is Rose’s fault you banged your way through half of the 3D art department and forgot about your midterm project,” Sofia deadpans, stifling a yawn as she catches up.
“Excuse me!” Rudy gasps, clutching his chest in mock offense. “My extracurriculars are a form of research, thank you very much. And for your information, I’m about to make history with my midterm. Just you wait.”
Sofia snickers, brushing her dark curls off her face. “History? Babe, you’re about to make an excuse for why you didn’t finish in time. Again.”
“Wow, the betrayal!” Rudy cries, his voice echoing in the corridor. “Rose, back me up here. You know I’ve got vision!”
“Vision? Sure,” I say with a shrug, grinning despite myself. “Execution? Still pending.”
We’re all laughing as we step outside, when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I fish it out, and the moment I seeUnknown Number, my stomach drops.
I freeze, my hand tightening around the phone. Rudy notices instantly because, of course, he notices everything. “Ooh, what’s this? Is that your hot boyfriend calling again?” His voice drips with exaggerated curiosity as he leans in, trying to peek at the screen.
Sofia’s eyes widen, and she practically squeals. “Wait, hot boyfriend? Rose, you’ve been holding out on us. Spill. What’s his deal? Is he a brooding artist or a secret heir to a fortune?”
I roll my eyes, hoping to downplay it. “He’s not my boyfriend,” I say quickly, a little too sharp to sound casual. “And his name isn’t important.”
“Not important?” Sofia arches a brow, her lips twitching with amusement. “Which means he’s definitely smoking hot. Like, rip-your-clothes-off hot, isn’t he?”
“Can confirm! He lived with her all second semester freshman year,” Rudy chimes in, grinning wickedly. “He has dark hair, blue eyes and the most charming smile. I almost fell in love with him. He is the true reason I am a bisexual man.”
“I thought that was Ross Lynch’s fault, you know, before cheating on Jaz?” Sofia questions, popping her strawberry scented gum.
Rudy giggles. “You know you're right, because Austin Moon is catnip to me, can’t explain it.”
I press the decline button and shove the phone back into my pocket, my hands trembling. “You’re both ridiculous.”
“Ridiculously accurate,” Rudy says with a triumphant grin..
“Come on, Rose,” Sofia pleads, her grin widening. “We’ve been friends for months, and this is the first I’m hearing about your clandestine romance? Dish! Is he the reason you’re always so serious? Because if he’s as hot as Rudy says, I don’t blame you for being distracted.”
“I’m not distracted,” I snap, my voice sharper than I intended.
The playful atmosphere dims as they exchange glances, their teasing tapering off.
Rudy pulls back his arm, an apologetic look on his face. “Rosalita-”
I take a deep breath, forcing a tight smile. “It’s fine,” I say. “Really. Let’s just drop it.”
Sofia nods, perking up when she thinks of another topic to talk about. “You guys still down for drinks tonight?”
“Absolutely,” Rudy says. “I’m in desperate need of liquid inspiration. Rose, you coming?”
I shake my head. “I think I’ll skip it. I feel a headache coming on.”
“Boo, whore,” Rudy says, pouting dramatically.
I lift my middle finger in response, earning a cackle from him as Sofia covers her mouth to stifle her laugh. Turning in the opposite direction, I head back to my apartment, leaving their laughter behind.