Yet here I am, in an office I designed myself, watching my little boy’s hands reach up as he tries to grab at the toy dangling above him. It’s a simple moment, but it fills me with so much joy, it’s almost overwhelming. He’s only four months old, he’s just learning how to roll over on his own, and he hates tummy time. He’s happiest when Mateo and I are both with him, playing with him on the floor or out for a walk.

He’s obsessed with Mateo, and who can blame him? His little face just lights up every time his dad comes in the room, and he starts shouting this happy little sound that isn’t quite a laugh. I’ve already told Mateo that I’ll be pissed if he says “Dada” beforehe says “Mama.” After all, I did all the work of growing him in my belly.

But I have to admit that Mateo has been nothing but a doting father and fiancé. He made sure I was in the nicest birthing suite, and he held my hand through the whole thing. Thank goodness for the epidural or I might not have made it through. After forty hours in labor, our sweet little Francisco was born, named after Mateo’s father.

The phone on my desk rings, bringing me back to the present, and I glance at the screen. It’s Mateo. I can’t help but smile as I pick up, his voice warm and familiar on the other end.

“Hey, beautiful,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice. “What do you want for lunch?”

I laugh, glancing at the clock.

“Hi, baby,” I coo, still getting butterflies every time I even think of him. “I can’t have anything too heavy. The wedding is tomorrow, and I have to fit into that dress.”

He chuckles, low and teasing. “So, pasta?” he teases, the chuckle low in his chest. “You could wear a paper bag down the aisle and I’d be just as happy.”

“Mateo!” I can’t help but laugh, shaking my head. “You’d probably be happy if I wore nothing down the aisle, but I think the rest of the guests would complain. Anyway, you know what I like to eat. Just nothing too indulgent, okay?”

“Got it.” He laughs, though his voice sounds somewhat distant. I would bet any amount of money that he’s picturing me walking down the aisle naked. “I’ll see you soon.”

As I hang up, I look over at Cisco, who is now holding his toy in a tight little fist, staring at it with a serious concentration that makes my heart melt. He has Mateo’s dark eyes, those same intense ones that always made me feel like he could see right through me. But when he smiles, he’s all mine, with a softness that makes me think of my own mother.

A few minutes later, Mateo arrives, carrying a bag from our favorite Italian place. He sets it down on my desk and leans over, pressing a soft kiss to my forehead before turning his attention to our son, who reaches out for him with a delighted squeal.

“Hey, little man,” Mateo murmurs, scooping him up into his arms with a smile that makes my heart flutter. Watching the two of them together is like seeing a piece of my soul outside my body. I never knew I could feel this way, that I could love someone so deeply.

Mateo blows raspberries on Cisco’s tummy, making him howl with laughter. He’s only just started laughing for real, not just gassy laughs, and it’s become my favorite sound in the entire world.

Just then, Rocco strides in, a large smile filling his lined face as he sees Mateo with our son. There’s a small scar on his forehead, a reminder of experience last year, but otherwise, he looks healthy and strong. He’s officially retired now, taking on the role of surrogate grandpa for Cisco, since neither of us have our fathers around. He gives me a warm smile before reaching out to take my son from Mateo, who reluctantly hands him over.

Mateo and Rocco patched things up just fine, but Mateo is always reluctant to hand over our son to anyone except me. If he could magnetize Francisco so they could always be attached, he would.

“Mind if I take this little guy on a walk?” he asks, his voice gentle, his gaze affectionate as he looks at our boy, who in turn is staring up at him with delighted interest.

Mateo and I exchange a glance, and I nod. It’s good for both of them to get out in the fresh air, and it’s a big help to both of us to have Rocco around.

“As long as Bats and Red go with you,” I say, half-joking, but we both know there’s a note of seriousness in my words. Our lives may have calmed down a lot now that the Savinis are gone, but we never take any chances with our family’s safety.

Rocco nods, chuckling. “Wouldn’t have it any other way,” he says, saluting us.

He heads out, our son babbling happily in his arms. As the door clicks shut, the office falls into a comfortable silence. Mateo turns to me, his eyes warm, and gestures toward the small couch in the corner of my office.

“Got a few minutes to relax?” he asks, a hint of mischief in his smile.

I smile back, taking his hand as we settle onto the couch together. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me close, and I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder. It’s a quiet, stolen moment, but it’s exactly what I need right now. Between giving birth, starting my firm, and preparing for this wedding, the last few months have been incredibly hectic. Mateo and I haven’t had nearly as much alone time as we’d like.

His fingers trace gentle circles along my back, his touch soothing, comforting, and I find myself melting into him, all of my stress fading away. We sit there in silence for a while, just holding each other, and I feel a sense of peace settle over me, adeep, abiding contentment that I never thought I’d find.

But then, his hand shifts, slipping beneath the fabric of my blouse, his touch warm against my skin. I look up at him, meeting his gaze, and there’s a spark in his eyes, a heat that makes my heart skip a beat. Before I can say anything, his lips find mine, soft and warm, and I lose myself in the kiss, in the familiar taste of him, the feel of his hands on me, the way he pulls me closer, as if he can’t get enough.

The kiss deepens, and I feel his hands travel along my sides, pulling me tighter against him. I’m lost in him, in the way he makes me feel, the way he’s always made me feel. Loved, cherished, safe. And in that moment, I forget everything else. The wedding, the office, the world outside, it all fades away. There’s only Mateo, only us, and the love we share.

Before I realize what I’m doing, I hitch my leg over his lap until I’m straddling him, deepening our kiss even more. There’s no time to shed clothes, as we have no idea when Rocco might be back. Our movements are frantic and rushed as we battle each other to prove who loves the other more.

. . .

The next dayarrives in a blur of excitement and nerves. My heart races as I stand at the back of the chapel, the soft strains of music filling the air, the scent of flowers drifting around me. I glance at my reflection in the mirror, my dress fitting perfectly, the delicate lace falling over my shoulders, the train trailing behind me in a cascade of white.

My father isn’t standing next to me, and a brief pang of sadness hits me, a reminder of everything that’s changed in the past year. He’s not here to walk me down the aisle, to see me marry the man I love. Instead, he’s in prison, paying the price for his choices. At least he’s safe there, away from the temptations that led him down that path.