The men grumble, their shock and anger evident.

“This isn’t just a war between us and the Savinis, as much as you all want it to be,” I warn them. “They’ve attacked me personally, and they will be treated as such. I can’t ask any of you to go in there without knowing all of the facts.”

“You know we’d do anything for you, boss,” Bats answers, though he’s usually a man of very few words. His bat is already twirling in his hand, ready to go.

“Then we take them all out with violent precision. I’m not losing any of you all either,” I tell him with a nod. “And we need to leave now. There isn’t much time.”

The men nod, and conversation breaks out as I dismiss them to get ready. They’re all strapped up, ready to go.

Red, Bats, and I pile into the car with two more of my men, and another carload of men follow behind. We’ll get them back whatever it takes.



My forehead and cheek throb with a heavy uniform pulse, a dull ache spreading through my face, but I don’t dwell on it. I’m not the main target for these men, I’m just bait to lure Mateo here. I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of thinking I’m fragile.

The slap still stings, but I know it could’ve been worse. Weirdly, it makes me feel strong. Anger courses through me, propelling me to fight the men who’ve taken me. I’m ready to do battle with them, even though I’ve never been in a real fight in my life. This was all so much bigger than me. I was on the receiving end of some violent turf war that abridged the peace of these two families. The least I could do was act unafraid.

Three weeks ago, the thought of violence, the idea of even raising my voice, let alone my fist, would have been laughable. I was just a girl who kept her head down, who played it safe at all times. I avoided confrontation like it was a plague. But right now, my hands ball into fists, and I’m ready to swing on the next person who comes near me. Maybe it’s the fear, the adrenaline, or maybe it’s just knowing that Mateo is out there, probably tearingup the city to find me. I can almost see his face, the fury in his eyes.

Not to mention, there may be a tiny life inside me that needs protecting at all costs.

It seems to be worse for Rocco. He’s a tough old man, but he’s still old. They’ve hurt him, his screams still echoing in my head. Not long after they threw a hood over my head, zip-tied my wrists, and threw me into some kind of vehicle, I heard him. His voice cut through the darkness, his pain sharp and evident. Though I haven’t known him long, he’s been nothing but kind to me. And mafia or not, you have to have a certain type of sickness in the head to harm the elderly.

After our first encounter a few weeks ago, we started running into each other more and more. He’s always asking me about Cassidy and bringing me little treats from a nearby bakery. Deep down, I know he’s probably a dangerous man, violent even. There’s a darkness to him that he hides from me, just like Mateo. But he’s always kind to me, almost fatherly, calling me ‘Bella’ which I know means beautiful. I don’t like that they’re hurting him. It breaks my heart. I want to speak out and defend him, but I know I would only make matters worse.

When they yanked the hood off and slapped me to make me cry out, I glimpsed him lying on the ground, blood smeared across his forehead, his face twisted in a grimace. And yet, when he turned his head to look at me, there was something else there. Something almost apologetic. Like he was sorry that I was here, that I was involved in this mess, that he couldn’t do anything to change it.

“It’s going to be okay, Bella,” he whispered, his voice low and rough. “Mateo will find us.”

I cling to his words as we drive, holding onto them like a lifeline. Mateo will find us. I have to believe that. Even though fear curls tight in my stomach, even though my wrists ache, and my face still stings from that slap, I hold onto that belief. Mateo will find us.

The man who’s apparently in charge, the one who slapped me, barks an order, and the van jerks to life, sending me sprawling back against the wall. I wince, biting back a groan as the metal bites into my back, but I don’t let them see my pain. I force myself to breathe, to stay calm, even as the van rattles down the road, every bump jarring my bruised body.

I look over at Rocco, who’s sitting slumped on the floor, his head hanging low, his body so still I think he’s asleep. But he winces in pain with each bump in the road too. He’s just waiting, unsure, like me. I catch his eye for a brief moment, and he gives me a small nod, barely noticeable to any of the men guarding us with guns. It’s a silent message:Hold on. Stay strong.

I take a shaky breath, my mind racing. I don’t know where they’re taking us, or what they have planned, but I can’t let myself spiral.

It’s not just about survival anymore. There’s so much else to fight for. I think about Mateo, about the look in his eyes the last time I saw him, the way he held me like I was something precious, something he’d never let go of. I’ve never felt that kind of safety before, that kind of trust.

Then I think of the life that’s possibly growing inside of me. There’s this adrenaline I’ve never felt before, a protective urge. It’s feral, maternal. My body knows something my mind still hasn’t accepted.

The man in charge shifts, glancing back at me with a smirk. He’s enjoying this, the power he has over us, the fear he thinks he’s instilled. But he doesn’t know me. He doesn’t know that every second I’m here, my resolve hardens, my fear turns to anger. He doesn’t know that I’m not the same girl I was a month ago, that I’m not someone who’s going to sit back and take this.

I remember the first time I met Mateo. I was scared then too, but for different reasons. I didn’t know who he was, didn’t know what he was capable of. All I knew was that he was powerful, dangerous, someone I should be wary of. But over time, he showed me something else. He showed me that there’s strength in vulnerability, that there’s courage in facing your fears head-on. He taught me that I could be more than I thought I was, that I could stand up for myself, even if it terrified me.

As I sit here, bruised and handcuffed, surrounded by men who think they can break me, I realize that I’m more than I ever thought I was capable of being. I’m stronger than I thought I was. Mateo’s turned me into someone stronger, someone better. And I’m not going to let them win.

The van swerves, taking a sharp turn that sends me sliding across the floor. I grit my teeth, bracing myself against the impact, and force myself to stay calm. I can feel the tension in the air, the anticipation building. We’re getting closer, wherever we’re going. I don’t know what’s waiting for us, but I know one thing for sure: I’m not going down without a fight.

The van finally comes to a stop, and I hear the men shuffling around, muttering to each other. One of them reaches over and grabs my arm, yanking me to my feet with a rough jerk that makes me stumble. But I catch myself, straightening up, forcing myself to stand tall, to look him in the eye.

He sneers, his grip tightening as he pulls me toward the door, but I don’t let him see my fear. I meet his gaze, unflinching, and hold my ground, refusing to let him intimidate me.

“You think you’re tough?” he says, his voice laced with disdain. “We’ll see how tough you are soon enough.”

I don’t respond, just keep my gaze steady, my expression calm. He wants me to be afraid of him, to show me that he has the power to hurt me. He only has the power I give him, though, and I’m not going to give him any.