"It's for the well-being of the omegas," Mrs. Harriet explained from behind me. "I promise you, they are safer in their own quarters, but we do let them out for classes and activities."
Luka blinked a few times as he looked around. "And how many hours a day do these activities allow omegas out of their rooms?"
"I- well- It depends, Alpha."
"Omega." Our omega jumped again as he addressed her. "What would your schedule look like if you were not traveling with us today?"
She bit her lip and hesitated, as if she was afraid to admit just what the schedule might look like. "Well. We would be brought breakfast."
"Brought, as in you eat in your room?" he clarified.
"Yes, Alpha. And after breakfast, we would have a digital course."
"A digital course, from your room, I assume?"
"Yes, Alpha. But... after our lunch, we walk the track at our indoor gymnasium. Sometimes we are allowed to swim."
"And you like to swim?"
"Very much." Her head bobbed in agreement, and all I could think about was her curvy body in a swim suit. I bet her thighs would be deliciously soft. I wondered what they would feel like wrapped around my skull.
"Delta," Luka growled in warning.
"Sorry," I mumbled. I couldn't help the reaction I was having.
"Little omega, do you go outside?" Luka's voice softened the slightest and finally, our omega looked up.
"We- I... I have not been outside since I was delivered to the agency," she admitted.
"And how long ago was that?" I asked.
"I, it – well…"
"Spit it out, omega," Luka pushed.
"Thirteen. I was dropped off when I was thirteen." Luka cursed under his breath.
She was just a child when she was abandoned at his place. Why? Omegas aren't usually brought in until they are fully matured. At thirteen, there was no way she had entered her heat cycle yet. Most omegas aren't required to go to a facility until they are eighteen.
"Why so young?" I pushed.
"I - my family didn't want the responsibility of having an omega." She looked down. "At least, one like me. That's, well, lacking the typical desired attributes."
"Darling." I stepped around Luka and stood in front of our omega. I reached up, toying with a strand of that springy hair because I couldn't physically stop myself. "There ain't nothing wrong with your attributes." I reached down, picking up both her measly duffle bags in one hand as I looked toward our alpha. "Let's get her out of here. An omega deserves sunlight."
Luka nodded and moved for me to pass him before he cupped the omega's elbow, urging her forward. Just before theywere fully out of the room, he leaned forward, into Mrs. Harriet's space. "I will be reporting your agency. Not just for misconduct of business, but mistreatment of precious commodities. Even criminals get sunlight, ma'am. The treatment at the facility is barbaric."
Then he followed me down the hall, out of the building, and into sunlight.
I tilted my head back with my eyes closed, feeling the sun on my face for the first time in seven years. How had time passed by so fast and so slow? I never felt anything as glorious as the warmth against my face, even as it burned into my skin, reminding me of the dangers of its rays.
When I opened my eyes again, three sets of eyes were on me, watching me like I was some strange creature they'd never seen before, and maybe I was. I wasn't like most omegas that went through Omega Industries. Very rarely does an omega look less than perfect, but maybe that's by their own making. But me, I could care less about spending hours of my morning straightening my hair and doing elaborate art on my face. Especially since so much of my day was spent alone in my room.