Page 26 of Knot Our Omega

"You boys do know there are stairs that lead out of the pool, right?" She raised an adorable brow.

"We are aware, but then we wouldn't be able to display how nice our muscles look when we flex them in everyday settings."Alfie reached a hand out to her. "Let me show how easy it is to tote you about."

"That sounds very caveman of you, Alfie." She laughed, her palm slapping his chest as she moved closer.

"I am a caveman at heart, ma'am." My god, his flirting was disgusting. Maybe that was my jealousy talking. Should I be flirting more? Is that what she wanted? Clearly it was because she swam toward him, looking pleased as hell when he scooped her up and lifted her out of the water.

I opted to use the stairs, rolling my eyes at Alfie behind his back. I could flirt too. I was a fucking pro at it. I jogged over, grabbing a towel and holding it up. "Come here, baby. I'd hate for you to catch a chill."

This time it was Luka who rolled his eyes behind her back. He rushed forward, stealing the towel from me. "I've got the omega."

Of course he did. He was the fucking alpha; he always got what he wanted.

"Sydney, have you and Alfie thought about what you were making? Maybe I could help?" I offered.

"We've got it." Alfie glared at me.

"Alfie." Sydney caught on to the competition. "We can use the help."

"It's just?—"

"Alfie, I want to spend time with all of you, together."

Sydney strolled over to me, her towel clutched in one hand and her other outstretched until her fingers curled around my hand, pulling me close to her. Before I could register the intensity of her touch, she rose up on her toes, kissing my cheek. I saw the jealousy in the eyes of my unit, and I was secretly gloating.

"Yeah, Alfie, we can all spend time together."

Sydney patted my bicep. "Did that feel good to get off your chest?"

I shrugged. "A little."

She shook her head, fighting a laugh as she stepped away. "Boys."

"Men," Alfie corrected.

"Is there a difference?" Our omega was being witty.

"I can show you the difference," Luka rumbled as he ran a towel over his mop of wet hair, and her breathing picked up, her chest rising and falling quicker. Something told me our omega would very much like to be shown the difference.

The softest of whimpers left her lips before she spoke again. "I- I don't know how."


Did she expect us to assume she was experienced in such things when omegas are desired untouched?

Silly omega. We'd never expect her to know how.

Luka stepped forward, bending his knees slightly so he could throw Sydney over his shoulder. She squealed, fighting slightly against his hold, begging him to put her down. "I'm going to hurt you."

"Doubtful." Luka smirked as he slapped her ass.

"I'm too heavy," she tried again.

"Like a feather," Luka insisted, earning her another slap. "Calm down, little omega, I'll behave. I'm carrying you to the kitchen so we can get dessert."

She huffed, but gave up her fight, not realizing that our definition of dessert was something completely different than hers. She may be thinking of a sugary treat, but I was positive that the thoughts that ran through each of our male brains were of a different, sweeter variety. One that involved her skin and our tongues sliding over every luscious curve. I couldn't be theonly one who thought of consuming her, of inhaling her in and feasting on her flavor.

I followed behind the group, shutting the door as I entered the house before following them into the kitchen. Luka pitched her forward, thrusting her onto the countertop before staring intently at her for a moment. When he gained the will to end the stare off, he pushed himself back, using the counter to propel himself backward.