Page 25 of Knot Our Omega

"I've made you this floating tray for your drinks." Alfie held up a carved tray.

"And I made the drinks," Felix announced as he struggled out of the water to grab the drinks from the table.

When he handed the liquid to me, I struggled not to tilt my head back and swallow it all in one gulp. Being drunk wouldn't help me. Hell... I wasn't sure what would. But damn it, I suddenly felt like I was going to need all the alcohol and liquid courage I could consume to get through the night.

After sipping it, taking the tiniest of tastes and letting the fruity lemon flavor dance over my taste buds, I sat the glass down on the table. "Absolutely delicious."

"You are," Alfie confirmed.

I turned to him, rolling my eyes. "Laying it on heavy."

"Absolutely not. If I was laying it on heavy, you'd know." He smirked. "I'm only saying what we all were thinking."

My eyes met Luka's and Felix’s, wondering if they would say something that contradicted Alfie's statement, but they remained quiet, and for some reason, that fact caused my body to pulse. I squeezed my legs together slightly, trying not to make my discomfort obvious.

Felix cleared his throat when the silence became insufferable. He stepped forward before grabbing my waist and dragging my back to his chest so he could whisper in my ear. "Ready to get wet, love?"

"Yes?" I whimpered my answer, unsure if I was or wasn't ready. All I knew was the flutter of warm breath against my skin caused my heart to race and a sheen of sweat to break out over my skin.

"That's our girl," his gruff voice said, and I swore I felt the tiniest of flick of his tongue against my skin before he pulled back enough to tighten his hold on my body. He wrapped his arms around my waist before he lifted me up, scooping me into his arms and shifting me so that his arm was under my knees and my arms were holding tightly around his neck. The fact that he could support my weight was impressive, but to carry me? Damn, I never wanted to let go. I wanted to rub against him, marking him with my scent so that everyone knew who this impressive male belonged to. "Hold your breath love, we're going under."

He gave me only a few seconds of warning before he jumped from solid ground and had us sailing in the air. A squeal left me, before I inhaled and held my breath seconds before water consumed us both.



The feel of our omega's skin against my bare chest was impossible to wash from my mind. I broke the lust-filled tension by throwing us both in the water, but want still thrummed in my veins, and if it thrummed in my veins, I knew for a fact that Alfie and Luka were feeling it too.

Did our omega really not know? Had she no clue that she was on the cusp of her first heat and about to tumble over the edge, taking us three with her?

I swallowed hard as I watched everyone play in the pool, hitting a ball back and forth to each other like a bunch of children. Even Luka, who never allowed himself to have fun, seemed to enjoy the simple game and time spent with the omega. Were they watching the water drip between her cleavage like I was? Or the way her wet strands of hair clung to her neck? Were they as weak as I was at the scent that kept slamming into me whenever she looked at one of us too long?

The ball smacked me in the face, the water splashing as I tried to keep myself from sinking. I sputtered a little, shaking myhead to free myself of the fog the sudden hit caused, and when my mind cleared enough, I turned toward my unit. "Which one of you bastards did that?"

The omega smiled coyly before admitting, "That would be me. The bastard."

Shit. I never in a million years would have thought our omega would do such a thing. "I'm sorry, love. I hadn't realized?—"

"We called your name a few times and you were totally zoned out." Luka smirked, knowing damn well what had my mind wandering.

"Sorry. I was thinking of an upcoming contract," I lied.

"I bet." Felix laughed. "Are you going to get out with us or had you planned to stay in here all night?"

"It's started to get dark," our omega confirmed. "We are heading inside."

Ah, I guess they were trying to tell me that they were ready to call it a night. "I'm ready to go inside."

"Great." She beamed. "Alfie and I are making dessert."

Was it her? That was the only dessert I needed.

"I can't wait." I swam toward the edge of the pool, where I gripped the side and pushed up to get out. I was almost to a standing position when the omega's needy perfume hit me. I turned, spying our omega watching me, her eyes roaming over my muscles, my arms, my thighs my..."Are you looking at my butt, omega?"

"Absolutely not." She blushed. "I was just?—"

"I was," Alfie joked, saving her before he swam forward to meet me at the side of the pool. "Come, omega, I'll help you out."