Page 17 of Knot Our Omega

He pulled her away from the room. Her comfort in him made my inner alpha roar with jealousy. In time I knew she would be comfortable with me too, but I wanted it all now. I was impatient, a common trait of an alpha. I didn't want to wait for her to warm up to me; I wanted instant gratification.

When I finally brought myself to follow them, they were sitting at the table again, discussing the details of what Alfie and Felix would do with her once she could leave the house. Movies. Shopping. Dining out. And the jealousy in me wanted to be the first to do all these things with her, to show her all that I could offer as her leader, to beat on my chest and claim myself as her caretaker. But I did none of those things as I reclaimed my seat, hoping that soon she would see that I could offer greatness, just like my beta and delta. That I too was worth the attention my alpha was clawing inside to take.



"Fuck," I cursed as I walked outside onto our patio. It was the evening on the first day and, true to our word, we had an array of swimsuits delivered to our door. Our little omega wasted no time rifling through them, and though she was nervous at first, Felix managed to get her into the pool.

I sure as fuck was glad he did because now I got the view of our omega’s creamy skin covered only in a red two-piece suit. Her curves were something ancient art was crafted from, and my fingers itched to dive in and grab hold of the dip of her waist, cling tight, and never let go.

I sat at the edge of the pool, letting my feet dangle in as I turned to Felix. "Gave up swimming already?"

"I'm a weak man," he admitted. "Being that close in the water with her was too fucking tempting for me, at least for her first day here."

I watched our omega as she tossed a weighted pole into the water, her body sinking below the surface, ass up in the air as she dived after it. "Fuck, her thighs."

"Thick and delicious," he agreed.

"Definitely something I look forward to eating," I chimed in.

"What do you look forward to eating?" Luka asked as he pushed the door open, coming out with his drink and one for the omega.

Our omega pushed her head above the water, her long strands of hair plastered to her face as water cascaded down her cheeks and ran in rivulets into her cleavage. All three of us became speechless as we watched her toss her hair back and wipe the water from her eyes.

"Fuck," Luka grunted.

"Yeah. Fuck," Felix repeated, and her leaving our minds blank as we watched her seemed to be a common trend.

"Who bought her that swimsuit? There is no way that was part of the collection we had gotten prior to her arrival. They'd never fit."

Felix wordlessly raised his hand as I added, "Red was a good choice."

"Should be illegal, honestly." He cleared his throat and crouched by the side of the pool, calling our omega. "I've brought you a drink."

She swam over, keeping her eyes averted. When she stopped on the edge, she took the glass he had offered and sipped it. Her eyes grew wide before she spoke. "Thank you, Alpha. It's delicious."

"Luka," he corrected.

"Thank you... Luka."

She took another sip, and I fought every muscle in my body to not reach over and run my finger over the tiny droplet on the corner of her lips. Luka reached forward instead, collecting the drop with burning eyes and bringing it to his lips, sucking it off his finger.

Dark, rich, sweet cherry slammed into us as our little omega's skin flushed. We exchanged a look between us, knowing damn well that our omega may not have been taught many useful things about life with a unit, but her body knew exactly what she needed. Us. She needed us and she had us fully.

Luka's finger left his mouth with a pop, drawing the omega's eyes to his lips. "Drink up, Sydney. We've got a whole pitcher inside."

She brought the glass to her lips, our eyes locked in fascination as she took another sip before asking, "Are you going to swim with me, Alph- Luka?"

Luka was not a fan of the water. While Felix and I could spend hours out here swimming laps and horsing around, Luka rarely joined us. But when he reached behind his neck, pulling his shirt until it bunched in his grip before he pulled it off, tossing it to the side, I knew that whatever the omega asked for was an exception to his rules. He'd give her anything she desired.

On bare feet, he strolled toward the diving board, not taking his eyes off her, locked in a trance, until he was sailing in the air and plunging into the water. He cut through the distance without surfacing, until he was right next to the omega. She squealed as he broke through the water right in front of her, his hand instantly falling to the bare dip of her exposed waist. His head instantly dipped down to kiss her cheek.

She didn't get time to react to the shock of his lips against her skin before his hands gripped her waist and he lifted her up, tossing her to the side into the water. She went under and came up sputtering, her shock clear. Before she even had the water cleared from her eyes, Luka had dived back under the water, coming up to grab her waist.

He pulled her against his chest, leaning down and whispered into her ear, "Little omega, the color red is mouthwatering on you."

"I- I -" Our sweet omega was sputtering, unsure what to say when the alpha so blatantly displayed his want for her.