Page 11 of Knot Our Omega

Still, knowing I shouldn't think of that sweet curvy omega downstairs didn't stop me from stroking my hard length in the shower, gripping my knot until my vision blurred and my release was spent against the bathroom wall. Shit, not even a full twelve hours with this girl and my mind was a jumble with the need to mark her, claim her, own her until my knot was buried inside her soft body and my children filled her womb.

I was out of the shower and dressed in a pair of cotton pants and a shirt when they brought the omega into our room. Alfie, as he always does, was talking her ear off, but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, the omega seemed more relaxed than earlier, and I wondered what went on in the kitchen that I missed.

"This is our room," Alfie explained, before he walked toward the sliding barn door that held her personal space.

My stomach tightened as I waited, wondering what she would think. Felix pulled the door open, gesturing for her to enter. She did, and when she saw the space, her mouth hung open, and she gasped, "It's so big!"

"That's what she said," Alfie mumbled under his breath, and a growl left me as a warning.

She didn't hear him, thankfully. That was no way to talk around an omega.

Felix stepped forward, subtly elbowing Alfie, who only smirked. "There is a pile of things over in the corner you could use for your nest. But you're welcome to anything in our home, or anything you don't see, we can buy. Anything you want."

She walked to the corner, her hands running over the pile of expensive fleece. Her face scrunched up, but she said nothing about them, instead turned. "Thank you, you have been generous in providing. This room, it's bigger than anything I've ever had."

"You do not like them," I observed, and her head whipped in my direction.

"They are lovely." She smiled.

"I did not ask if they were lovely; I asked if you liked them, and you do not. Your face when you touched them gave it away," I stated.

"I'm sorry, Alpha." She looked to the ground like a scowled child. Why the hell was she sorry? "They aren't a texture I am fond of."

I walked to the pile, picking up all of the fleece and removing it from her nest. Then I went back and took her hand, pulling her out. Our linen cabinet was down the hall, and I didn't stop until I reached it. Pulling open the door, I finally spoke. "Take anything you wish, omega. Tomorrow you can find what you like online. When you are marked, we can take you out to shop where you can feel the textures."

Her pale cheeks turned an adorable shade of red at the mention of marking. I understood, it was an intimate affair, and it required trust. Trust was something that we had to build. To bite an omega without permission and trust is well, it's criminal.

"You'd do that for me? Allow me to buy whatever I wanted to sleep on?"

I sighed. "You're our omega. Omegas deserve what they desire."

"Thank you," she whispered.

I reached up, my fingers instantly wrapping a curl around them. "You don't need to thank us. It's our job to provide."

This feeling with her was too much, too close... too intimate. Her scent was choking me, making me desire to take to her right here, right now. My inner alpha begged me to, reminding me that alphas always got what they wanted. And right now, he wanted her.

I pulled away, dropping her soft strand of hair and putting my guard up to shield me from coming on too strong, fromscaring her away. "Grab whatever you need, then Felix will show you the showers."

I turned and strolled away, leaving the omega alone in the hall, searching through our linens, because I was too tempted by desire to stand there so close. Too ready to give in to a weakness and let this omega that we hardly knew consume me. An alpha has more control than that, except with this odd little omega, all my control seemed to be slipping. Fast.



The scents in the room were overwhelming. They caused my stomach to knot in an unfamiliar way, and my inner omega to beg me to get closer. It was a fight not to bury my face in their chests and take in their unique smells. I didn't know these men, but my omega, the hussy, didn't care. She wanted their very essence living inside of her, consuming her. She was insistent that I crawl onto their pallet bed and insert myself into the middle of their sleep pile, just to feel them close. The thought made my skin burn.

Girl needed to get a grip and calm down. They were strangers. We don’t imprint ourselves on strangers.

I shifted uncomfortably as I piled on soft cotton linen to my pallet on the floor. They had been kind to provide me with rich fleeces in an array of colors, but fleece? It wasn't soft enough for my liking. I tried to hide my dislike, but the observant alpha knew differently.

They had let me shower first in a bathroom unlike any I'd ever seen before. Marble floors and subway tiled walls made upa large room, with a jet tub and a shower that could easily fit all of us. If, I mean, they were interested in such things. WasIeven interested in such things? My attention-starved omega sure was. I didn't know. I'd never been around a unit, only really exposed to betas because they were nonthreatening to us omegas. Maybe that's why Alfie was so easy to talk to. I was used to betas.

I was quick showering, knowing that they were just outside the door. The door locked, and though I thought, at least from what they said, that they'd never hurt me, I still felt comfort in knowing that they were locked on the other side. In preparation for my arrival, they had filled their bathroom with creams and lotions, soaps and washes, things they thought I might want or need. I appreciated it, but I had never had such nice things, and I wasn't sure how to accept them.

I chose a set of Madagascar vanilla lotion and body wash, then showered. The water was different here, the feel of it against my bare breasts stinging slightly. It was a sensitivity I'd not experienced before, and I let my hands travel over my skin, closing my eyes against the new sensation. My omega hummed in delight, urging me on, but I couldn't listen to her. Not when I knew that, on that other side of the door, three men lurked, strangers that I should be cautious with.

I dried off, applied lotion, and dressed quickly. They had a closet full of clothing for me, but none would fit. I knew that with a quick glance, so I wore something from my bag that I had brought from the Omega Industries. It was simple, just a pair of loose cotton pants and a tank top, but I wanted to be comfortable as I slept.