Page 58 of Nocturne

I nod at Eero, who follows us along with Nico. Iblis stands back as he ushers the patrons back to their games.

“Woah, slow down, big guy,” I tug at my hand when his long legs strain the pain in my ankle.

I look down into my purse and fish out my keys to give them to Eero. I see a smirk on his face that is directed at his boss. I frown in confusion as I hand him my keys.

“It is parked behind the church. It is a silver-“

“I know, sweetheart.”

My frown deepens. “Okay, try again. Because I am one minute away from having a panic attack,”

Eero just wiggles his brows when Nico kicks his shin.

“We met your friend using it when you were in the hospital,” Nico explains.

I nod and turn to see Devlin looking down at me. His gaze is fixed on my leg that was hurt.

“Are you in pain?” He asks.

I can see the moment his body bends, preparing to lift me. Instinctively, I leap back, shaking my head. I’m no lightweight, and I can imagine how much effort it took for him to carry me the last time.

“I’m not in a lot of pain. I can walk. Slowly,” I gesture to his long legs before I start walking.

Nico and Eero move ahead of us, quick and purposeful, while I take my time, strolling slowly behind. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but there’s something oddly sweet about Devlin’s long legs trying to match my pace.

I wonder if I could start calling him Zagan, at least in my head. We’ve long since moved past the formalities, right? He calls me whatever suits him, so maybe I can do the same, just in my thoughts.

We pause outside the casino doors, and the moment the bouncers spot their boss, they clear the path without a word. The patrons greet him, but he doesn’t acknowledge any of them, his gaze fixed on the distant city skyline, where the lights flicker like stars.

A sharp gust of wind cuts through the air, and I instinctively pull his coat tighter around me, shivering.

The thought makes me glance at him again. He’s dressed in a dark suit, sharp as always, but I can’t help wondering if that blazer is enough to keep him warm. Isn’t he cold?

“Aren’t you cold? Oh my god, I’m so sorry, please take-“

“Keep it,”

My hands halt from peeling his coat off me.

“But, aren’t you cold?”

He looks down at me, and under the streetlights, his eyes seem to be sparkling in a devious glint.

“Unless you can share, coat’s yours.”

My heart skips a beat at his words, and the heat that travels to my cheeks is instant.

I look away, hiding my choke with a cough. The man doesn’t talk much, but when he does, I think he does with an intent to mess with people’s brains.

* * *

The car ride to my home was filled with…something. Something electric and tense that I could see even affecting Nico. Or maybe I assumed that it did. I didn’t see any change in the man ashe expertly navigated the city traffic towards the location I gave him.

I think I’m the one who is feeling things that aren’t there. I’ve peeped towards the source of this tension, and not once did I find him looking at me. I was relived and sad at the same time. I blame the irregular shift of my thoughts on the man.

And what a man he is. Even as he sits, looking out his window, he exudes power. The calm, potent power that does something to my insides. Maybe I’m starting to blame too much on my alcohol because that gives me an excuse to let me acknowledge thoughts. I cannot stop appreciating the man.

The way he sits, he grits his teeth, a muscle in his jaw ticks or his muscles ripple under his tight clothes… he is nothing but proof of how god hates us all except a few.