“I’ll be fine, Ives. I’m parched and I promise to be back in 10,” I promise.
Ivy isn’t convinced but nods.
“I’m launching a full-scale man-hunt if you don’t return in ten minutes,” she vows before I turn to find a restroom.
I ask one of the friendly-looking bouncers for directions as I pray to god that the liquid shouldn’t stain.
* * *
In retrospect, I should’ve taken Ivy’s suggestion and brought her along.
We would still be lost, but at least we would be lost together. To add to the list of bad things happening to me today, this place doesn’t have a signal to make a call.
I blame those rut bunnies for this mishap. Outside the loo, two pairs were going at it. With excited moans coming from them, crossing the corridor had been impossible. And I had no qualms about seeing anyone’s naked parts. So I walked into an adjoining corridor that turned out to be a maze.
I decided to stop calling myself brilliant in directions because here, I’m the worst. I have no idea where I ended up and with each turn I take, it feels like I’m going deeper into the cave.
And yes, that is what this place is. In my exploration, I found that this is a wide cave with furrows that must have been built for escape. Most of them looked unused. I stuck to the used ones even if the curious side of me wanted to explore the unexplored. I shut her down, trying my best to listen for the noise from the crowd.
Echo has never bitten my arse more than now, confusing me as the sound of the crowd comes from all around me.
I check my phone for the hundredth time, groaning at the no signal flashing on the screen. What use is the 98% battery when there is no signal? I couldn’t even get the stain out of my cute pink top. I don’t think this night could get any worse.
The fates must have taken that as a challenge. I walk into a corridor which has a door fit into its wall. There is an opening atthe end of this one, with light shining through. The screams of the crowd are more clear now, indicating that another fight has started. I look at my watch, noting that I’ve been missing for 30 minutes.
Uh-Oh. Ivy will kill me!
I hurry towards the end of the corridor, praying to god that Ivy hasn’t gone into her panic mode yet. She will do good to her promise and launch a manhunt for me.
The door opens and two men step out of it. One of them looks like a fighter—his hands are taped, and he is clad in nothing but a black boxer. There is another man in a tracksuit beside him
Both of them stop and look at me. The trainer smirks.
“Looks like one of your fangirls here, Leo,” he says.
The fighter, Leo smiles and for some reason, it sends a chill down my spine. The way his eyes scan me and stay a bit longer on my chest send warning bells in my head.
“Good luck,” I say and try to walk away.
I jump when a strong grip on my arm stops me from moving and turn to see Leo cocking his head at me.
“Leaving so soon?”
The trainer leaves, without so much as a glance my way.
“I need to go. My friends will be looking for me,” I warn.
The man only smiles wider. “Better not keep them waiting then,”
He moves closer, his intent clear in the way his eyes slip towards the slight cleavage that peeks from my shirt. I have no idea whatI had done for him to think that it was okay to barge into my private space. I try to remove my hand from his grip and take a step back when he is close.
“Let me go,” I struggle in his grip.
He frowns in confusion. “Come on now, don’t play hard. I know you’re here for a fuck.”
My eyes widen in both shock and alarm.
“What? No! No, no no,” I shake my head at him. “I was lost when I went to use the restroom and ended up here. To be honest, I haven’t even seen you fight. So no, I’m not here for sex,” I explain.