“What? Rue? Sit up here, what’s wrong?” Geo asked, lifting her face to his.
“Just a pulled muscle,” she grimaced as it tightened. She shifted and felt movement like his cum sliding out of her and onto her thighs.
By instinct, she reached down to wipe at it, looking around for the towel, then pulling her hand out to reach for it.
She froze, staring at the blood on her fingers… bright red and so much of it!
Looking down at the couch, her heart started hammering, but she was too afraid to move the blankets.
“Oh shit!” Davon yelled, yanking the blankets back.
Sailor stared at the blood, then looked up at Geo in a panic, her breathing becoming rapid as terror gripped her.
“Get ‘r up! Mig, car, NOW! Wrap her in that blanket, let’s go!” Geo yelled as Sailor's head began swimming. She looked up at Davon as he lifted her and knew from his expression that hewas terrified for her.
She was going to die. She was losing the baby and if it didn’t kill her, then Geo would. He had no more use for her.
Her world dropped away.
Chapter 26
Sailor woke to a woman speaking softly and the soft beep of a machine. She was on a hard bed, and the blanket on her was thin and white—a hospital.
She was freezing.
That was her first thought. It was so cold. Why was it so cold?
“Mom?” she called out weakly.
Davon’s face appeared right in hers seconds before a strange woman appeared, smiling gently.
“Hello, Mrs Ruiz! My name is Heidi and I’m your nurse on shift, how are you feeling?”
“C-cold. Where am I?”
“I’ll get you a warm blanket in a moment, okay? On a scale of one to 10, how’s your pain?”
“I can’t feel. Please? I’m so cold?” she shivered, her teeth starting to chatter.
“I’ll be right back,” the nurse promised, hurrying away.
Davon leaned in as soon as she was gone, and Sailor remembered then what had happened and why Davon from school was with her.
Her hand moved down to her belly, but there was no swell there anymore. Just an aching emptiness.
Her world shattered as she broke down in tears, hiding her face with both of her hands.
“Say! Say, no, come on, everything’s going to be fine, okay? It’s alright, you can try again! And again and again! It’s alright!”
Sailor only cried harder as she remembered what else it meant. Geo was going to kill her, be rid of her. She’d killed his child and been an all-around pain in his ass. He’d kill her, and she’d never see her mom or gramma again! Her mom would die alone and miserable in that hellhole!
“Easy now, Mrs Ruiz,” the nurse chided, covering Sailor in a heated blanket and tucking it in. “I know. I know it hurts, but everything went smoothly and you came out of it just fine, healthy, and still able to have kids if you want, okay? You’re just fine and you’ll be healed up soon. The doctor can tell you more information in the morning but I promise you this isn’t the end of the world. We have some wonderful resources, and I can call a chaplain in for you if you like, okay? For now, I’m going to get you something to settle you down and help you sleep.”
Sailor hardly heard her, her heart aching as she thought of her child she would never get to hold and her mother that she would never see again. She’d never hear her grandmother laugh or her mom sigh at a stupid joke she found amusing but didn’t want to admit to. It was all over.
“Say! Say, it’s going to be okay, I’m right here for you, okay?” Davon promised.
Sailor looked up at him, then hauled back and punched him in the nose. “That was for putting your hands on me when I had no choice, asshole! You SUCK!”