I dust off the suit, leaving the jacket, and grab the brown Oxfords from the floor before I head into the shower. Being in school for construction management doesn’t afford me many opportunities to dress up, but I’m thankful for my dad’s insistence I have at least one nice suit for special occasions.

My phone vibrates across the sink top, Jessie’s name glowing on the fogged-up screen.

“Sup?” I ask, combing my hair.

“What are you wearing?” he asks.

Nora’s voice sounds in the background as dishes clank around. I’m sure she made dinner already but won’t chastise him for missing it in favor of going out with us. She loves Tilly, too.

“The navy suit I wore to Claire’s Match Day. You?”

“Black dress shirt and khakis.”

Silence encompasses the phone, and the weirdness of calling to check up on the other’s outfit choice isn’t lost on me. We’re both looking to impress Tilly, and I know after tonight there will be a different dynamic to our friendship. Jessie is my best friend, my brother. He nearly sacrificed his own life to save me, and I’ll be forever in his debt. But I’m not sure I’m ready to give up my chance at a happily ever after.

“All’s fair in love and war,” Jessie chirps. “Let’s meet at the restaurant’s bar for a drink before dinner.”

“See you there.” I snort and hang up.

Finding a parking spot at five o’clock on a Friday night is a struggle as I pull into the restaurant’s lot, eyes scanning the rows for Tilly’s or Jessie’s car. Taking a lint roller to my pants before I get out of the car helps calm the anxiety flooding my system. Tonight could change everything.Tonight could be the beginning of the rest of my life with the woman I’ve fallen for, or it could end up a dumpster fire with me embarrassed.

I touch the poker chip in my pocket to make sure it’s still there. My shoulders ease down from my neck, the smooth surface reminding me Sebastian’s always with me, encouraging me, as I walk inside.

Chatter fills the area around the bar, men in business suits wheeling and dealing over top-shelf liquor, figuring out a way to screw the working class. I order a Jack and Coke and wait for Jessie to arrive.

He walks in a few minutes later, hair perfect, pleats pressed. He’s got this air about him, this confidence I’ve never quite figured out how to attain. Envy rises in my chest at how relaxed he is, how he exudes this friendly, outgoing personality that has people wrapped around his finger.

“Sup, Arch?” He signals to the bartender. “I’ll have a tall Guinness.”

We find a spot where we can see Tilly walk inside. Our bodies are angled just so, eyes flitting to the door every time someone arrives. Even though tonight is a big night, it’s nice to have a beer with my best friend.

“Did Nora ream you a new one for coming in drunk the other night?”

“You know damn well she did.” He laughs. “She made me clean the kitchen and organize the garage during the Cowboys v. Buccaneers game.”

“Oof.” We clink beers in a moment of silence for the ending of that game. “You ready for your interview next week?”

He shrugs. “It’ll be a good foot in the door, but you know me, always looking to move up.”

“You’re gonna be running that company soon enough.” And he will. Everything Jessie puts his mind to, he completes.

We fall into easy silence, and the tick of the clock seems to resound inside my head, drowning out the cacophony of voices in the bar.Tension hangs in the air, and subconsciously my thumb swirls around the smooth chip in my pocket to quell the rising pressure in my chest.

Light spills into the room when the door opens, and I swear the entire bar quiets when Tilly walks into the room. Her hair is pulled into a low ponytail, and curls cascade down her back. My pants strain as I take in the tight black dress hugging her curves, ending just below her knees, highlighting the yellow polka dot high heels she’s wearing. I’m sure if I could take my eyes off her, I’d see a version of Jim Carrey during the club scene inThe Maskon every male face in here, eyes popping out, mouth frozen open, heart beating out of their chest.

“You look beautiful,” Jessie says, breaking the ice.

“Absolutely stunning,” I add.

Her cheeks pink, and she swipes a loose tendril of hair behind her ear. “Thanks, guys. Y’all clean up well, too.”

Drinks paid for and forgotten on the bar top, we accompany Tilly to the host stand where she hugs the bubbly girl. My heart beats all over my body as we follow behind her, both struggling to keep our eyes from being glued to her perfect ass.

The host seats us at a table Tilly’s dad reserved for us. “Your server will be with you in a moment.”

Nervous energy streamlines through my body. Adjusting the utensils keeps me focused in the short moments as we wait for the server. A warm hand wraps around mine, pulling my eyes from the crooked fork.

“Thanks for being my partners this semester,” Tilly says, eyes bouncing between Jessie and me. Her hand is covering his too, and my jaw tenses at the surge of jealousy that rushes through my body.