
Nora and Shantel gesture behind him that they’re going to the restaurant and leave us to our own devices as we walk away from the bookstore, our pace slow and deliberate.

“Sorry I didn’t come by last night.” He rubs the back of his neck, gaze glued to the cement. “I had some stuff to work through and didn’t want to bring my bad mood over.”

“I understand.” I roll my lips between my teeth. “Me, too.”

He nods to the restaurant. “Having brunch?”

“Yeah.” I give him a weak smile. “Did you wanna come? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.”

He stops before the door, eyes sliding to where Nora and Shantel sit with their backs to us. “No,” he replies. “I’ve got some things to take care of, so I’ll catch up with you later?”

Pain strikes through my chest. It feels like he’s pulling away from us.

From me.

My teeth clamp down on my lip, and I struggle to swallow.

“K,” is all I manage to say.

I tilt my head up for a kiss, but he presses one to the side of my head instead. “See you later.”

Nausea sinks into my core as I stare at his retreating back. I can’t flake out on Shantel and Nora, but I don’t want to be here. I want to find Archer and beg him not to give up on what we’ve started.

“Where’s Archer?” Shantel looks over my shoulder.

“He had stuff to get done.”

Like a mother, Nora must pick up on the unsaid words. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” She reaches out and grasps my hand. “You know we’re always here for you, Tilly. And we know how he can be.”

My brain is screaming at me to tell them, to ask them what they think about the entire situation, but my heart is still too tender and confused. Archer has been spending all of his time helping me get my bakery ready, showing up for me in ways I never expected. He’s dealing with stuff I’m not sure how to help him through, and I want to show him it’s not a one-way street, that he can rely on me too.

“Everything’s fine,” I say, though I’m not sure I believe my own words. “He’s having a bad week and needs some space.”

Nora smiles, and the waitress brings us menus and drops off our coffees.

“So are you guys just sleeping together?” Shantel asks, stirring cream into her cup.

I nearly choke on my coffee, eyes skittering to Nora before they turn into daggers I shoot at my unhelpful sister-in-law.

“Shantel,” Nora admonishes.

“What?” she asks. “I’m just wondering if they’ll be getting married soon so my baby can be a flower girl or ring bearer.”

Silence encompasses the table as realization settles.

“Baby?” Nora yells excitedly, wrapping her arms around her daughter. “Really?”

My heart is in my throat, clogged by a mixture of happiness and dread. I’m happy for Shantel, but seeing Nora’s excitement reminds me of the grandkids I was never able to give her.

“Congratulations, Shantel.” I lift my mug in the air, ceramic clinking as they add theirs.

We spend the next hour chatting about how Shantel found out, how Malik reacted, and what her due date is, and thankfully mine and Archer’s confusing relationship is forgotten.

I head to the bakery and try to stop the stupid tears from streaming down my face by reorganizing and labeling the shelves filled with icings.

A text cuts through the blaring music, and I nearly tumble from the small step ladder.