Tilly’s dad and I share a look before he saunters off to get the rest of the ingredients needed to start baking.
I sigh and cross my arms. “I’ve been busy.”
“Too busy to call your own mother back?”
I clamp my lips over my teeth, anger simmering at the surface, ready to boil over. As much as I want to call her out on being a shitty mom, now is not the time.
“I bet you call Nora back when she calls,” she mumbles.
I guess this is the time.
The lid covering my emotions blows off, and heat flares in my chest.
“I absolutely do call Nora back.” My voice raises. “You want to know why?”
“Archibald,” she chastises.
I’m vaguely aware of all the eyes on us, but I’m done letting her make me feel bad for her lack of parenting and motherly qualities.
“She’s the only mom I’ve known since I was a child. You and Dad were so busy trying to be the best surgeons, you didn’t even bother being good parents.”
“We were great parents to you,” she whisper-yells. “You had a roof over your head, food in the fridge, and more toys than anyone could ask for.”
Unchecked anger rises, and I tamp it down. I step closer to her and lower my voice. “If you think that’s all it takes to show a kid love, then you’re more delusional than I thought.”
“Well, your sister and brother felt loved.”
“Don’t you bring them into this.” I bend down, pointing my finger in her face. “You’re the last person that should ever be commenting on the love you gave to Sebastian. You sat by while Dad put so much pressure on him that he turned to drugs.”
The crack of her hand echoes through the baking aisle, the sting of the slap warming my face. “I did not.”
Her lip is quivering, hand drawn to her chest like even she can’t believe she just hit her own child.
“I’ll tell you like I told Claire. Sebastian’s death is on you and Dad. You can blame me all you want for your missteps as parents, but I’m done hearing them. I’m done allowing you guys to make me feel like I don’t deserve everything I’ve worked for, everything I’ve built from the ground up.”
“Oh that’s grand.”
“If you can’t see how you failed me as a mother, then I don't want you in my life.”
She sneers. “You think being a parent is so easy, but just wait until you have your own kids.”
“I can’t wait to have my own kids, because they sure as hell will know that they’re loved and won’t be blamed for their parents’ mistakes.” Spittle flies out of my mouth, and I inhale a short breath. “And they won’t be scared to tell me they need help because my expectations mean more to them than their own mental health and wellbeing. I’ll encourage my kids to go after things they love rather than pushing my own dreams on them like you guys did.”
Her mouth pops open and closed like a fish, a flush rising to her cheeks.
“Save it,” I say. “I’m done listening.”
I turn and walk away, searching for Tilly’s dad. Like I expected, my mother doesn’t follow, doesn’t try to make excuses for her actions. My chest is lighter as I approach the checkout station, proud of myself for standing up to her.
“Everything okay?” Tilly’s dad asks.
I nod and give him a pained smile as I pull out my card and hand it to the cashier.
Making dozens of cookies and treats was not how I expected to spend this morning, but if I can somehow get Tilly’s bakery up and running before she gets back, then I have to try.
I can’t let the woman of my dreams give up on her own.
Chapter fifty