Page 92 of Ties of Starlight

At his side, clinging to his arm with everything she had, was Idonea. When had she gotten there? He’d left their camp immediately after their fight. She must have followed him, or dragged the information of Olaug’s location out of Frode. Or Frode told her himself so she'd come racing after him to protect Olaug.

Olaug straightened back up as his eyes landed on her, seeing his so-called soulmate for the first time since abandoning her. His hands were still up in the air, ready to protect himself.

Nyrunn glared at Olaug, hand still curled into a fist. Idonea hovered in the corner of his eye, staring up at him. “Idonea, you shouldn't be here.”

“Neither should you,” she whispered.

He relaxed his fist and she let go of his arm. Instead, she held his shoulder as Olaug eyed them.

When Olaug didn't speak, Nyrunn snapped, “I shouldn't be surprised you have nothing to say. You didn't bother leaving a note for her. But even now that you’ve had so long away, do you still have nothing to say for yourself to the woman you abandoned who loves you beyond all understanding?”

“I think my lack of attendance to my own wedding said enough.”

Nyrunn nearly lunged at him again, but Idonea quickly slid into the space between them. Her back was pressed flush to Nyrunn’s front as she threw her hand out behind her. Her soft voice had its own strength as she said, “Olaug.”

He stiffened, eyes narrowing.

“What was it?” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes,and exhaled before opening them again. She stared straight at him. “What did I do wrong?”

Olaug scoffed, lowering his hands to his sides as he glanced over her. “It wasn't anything you did. You were what was wrong.”

Idonea being between them was the only reason Olaug wasn't speaking though a mouthful of loose teeth.

“Do you remember?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Do you? If you did, why would you want to be with me? I've made myself clear time and time again.”

Olaug remembered?

Idonea's tears spilled over as she tried to hold herself together, and Nyrunn put his hands on her shoulders to steady her. “I'm sosorry—I didn't mean to—”

“What are you talking about?”

“Inga and Olvir,” Nyrunn spoke up, glaring at Olaug. “You remember that?”

“You know?” Olaug blanched before glaring at Idonea. “You remembered and you toldhim?”

“Take that tone with her again and I will make every death you've ever experienced a pleasant dream in comparison.”

Olaug stepped back. “Yes, I remember our last lives. What I don't understand is what you are apologizing for, Idonea.”

Idonea reached up, wiping at her cheeks as she whispered, “I killed you.”

Then Olaug laughed.

Idonea froze as she stared at him. Nyrunn didn't really know what to do with this.

Finally, Olaug stopped, and then gestured at Nyrunn. “You believe that just because his creepy, demented uncle wrote that in his account? He completely left out his obsessionwith you, and it didn't occur to you there was more he left out?”

What was he trying to get at? He couldn’t mean—

“I remember you and the girl were dead and the dagger was on the ground, and I was covered in your blood.” Idonea pressed her hand to her stomach. “What else could have happened?”

“You didn't kill me.” Olaug rolled his eyes. “When you came across us, she pulled out a dagger. I admit, not my finest moment, letting her seduce me, but—”

Nyrunn cleared his throat, daring him to blame Idonea for his faithlessness.

“Point being, she wasn't just a serving girl. Her whole plan had been to kill me that night and you coming in almost saved my life before she decided she'd go for both of us.”