Page 72 of Ties of Starlight

At least her nightmares seemed to have eased. While he wanted to be able to take credit through his presence beside her at night and how he’d encouraged her to get in the water to ease her anxiety around water, he could still feel the sharp spikes of her emotions in the middle of the night when one struck. They were less frequent than before, but not gone entirely. He’d tried using the bond, but he failed each time to ease the mental turmoil. It seemed he waslimited to being able to take physical pain only and all he could offer her was his calm, warm love pushed through the bond to her to ease her back to sleep before she fully woke and when she did, his reassurances she was safe.

If she’d figured out he was using the bond to help, she hadn’t said anything.

Nyrunn looked up at the cliff, standing outside his and Idonea’s tent. Idonea and Asa’s voices were muffled by the canvas as Asa helped Idonea change into the traditional garb and do her hair. Nyrunn had already dressed in his ancient and ridiculous outfit meant to mimic Agnarr’s and the fashion of that time, even though he wouldn’t be needed for hours more.

Frode approached him, dressed in his own ridiculous garb to mark him as one of their Night Elves. He looked up at the cliff and whistled. “You are capable of climbing that, right, Your Majesty?”

Nyrunn glared at him. “Of course I am.”

“Yes, by yourself, but you also have to climb back down with Idonea.”

“If every chosen of Agnarr’s has been able to do it before me, I’m sure I can do it as well,” Nyrunn said.

If Olaug had been able to do it roughly five times—he didn’t recall how many times Idonea and he actually made it this far—Nyrunn could certainly do it.

He still hadn’t heard from his scouts yet about his whereabouts. Olaug had had the good sense to go into hiding, but he couldn’t hide forever.

“I hope so. We’ve had too many close calls already,” Frode said, shaking his head.

Very true.

Frode turned his head, glanced at the tent, and lowered his voice. “Speaking of, Your Majesty, how has married life been treating you so far?”

“If you’re fishing for an ‘I told you so,’ you’re not getting one,” Nyrunn said, stepping away from the tent even as he lowered his own voice. Frode followed him, leather creaking slightly as he did so.

“Of course not, Your Majesty, I would never dream of you uttering such words to me. But as the closest thing you have to a friend—especially since you’ve proven how much you value me by coming back to save me when we were attacked—the least I could do is care about your well-being and how your tumultuous marriage is going.”

“I saved you because you’re the only advisor I can tolerate and I have no interest in finding another one.” As hard of a time as Nyrunn gave Frode, he did actually care about him. Not that he’d let Frode know that. He’d be even more insufferable than he already was.

“Don’t dodge the question, Your Majesty. How are things going with your bride? Anyone with eyes can see where you stand, and the fact that she was willing to take a dagger for you—”


The other elf sighed and shook his head. “All I’m saying, Your Majesty, is that maybe you should consider seeking advice if things aren’t going the way you desire. Especially from someone you know is trustworthy.”

While things did seem to be improving with Idonea, that was only because he was avoiding the topic that would surely bring up their past fights all over again.

“Fine. Let’s say things are going well, but there’s… a lot about her I’m still learning. There’s a lot about her that’s still a mystery to me.”

That was as close to the truth as Nyrunn dared to get.

Frode nodded. “Obviously. I mean, forgive me, Your Majesty, but she has gone through quite an ordeal since thisall began. It would make sense she’s still guarded around you.”

“If that’s what you consider advice, I will be firing you.”

“My advice is this: she is still learning about you. You’re a mystery to her just as much as she is to you. You need to be honest with her. Have you been letting her in past your walls just as much as you’ve been trying to get past hers?”

This was why Nyrunn had been keeping Frode around. Even if he was infuriating, he was insightful.

He was right. Nyrunn hated it when Frode was right.

The tent rustled behind them and they both turned as Asa and Idonea exited. Idonea was dressed in plainer garb than usual, an outfit made to resemble Gytha’s Venefician fashion. It was a loose blouse with a wide neckline, the sleeves starting at her bicep, revealing Idonea’s birthmark and her new scar from her arrow wound. The flowy blouse was half tucked into a thick belt and a layered skirt that fell to her ankles beneath it. She pulled up at the neckline, lower than she usually wore, and Asa swatted at her hands.

“Stop that. You look fine, and you’ll be at the top of a cliff for most of this. See, His Majesty can’t take his eyes off you.”

Nyrunn was unabashedly staring at her.

She blushed that pretty pink he always loved to see dusting her cheeks.