Page 7 of Ties of Starlight

Frode's eyes widened. “You don't, right? You weren't staring out the window coming up with a scheme that if your father was alive would have gotten you disinherited and a certain half-elf girl killed?”

Nyrunn scowled, his father’s voice echoing distantly in his memories about the importance of bloodlines and the savagery and filth of human blood. All because his father had simply caught him looking at Idonea when she’d walked by.

But he was gone, and still Nyrunn could not show his affection for her.

“If there was anything I could do to stop this and preserve the ceremony, I would have already.” Nyrunn’s grip on the fabric in his hands tightened, heart twisting.Every day he’d desperately fought the urge to abuse his power as king to stop the wedding.

It was a miracle his willpower had won over his heart.

Nyrunn looked over at Frode, grip loosening. “But I'm not so selfish as to condemn our people to another lifetime of weakening magic for a girl who is going to be happy with someone else, no matter how little he might deserve her or how miserable it'll make me.”

Frode sighed and nodded before pointing at him. “Good! That is what we want to hear!”


“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Get out before I decide to make sure you join me in my misery.”

“Yes, Your Majesty, of course.” Frode started for the door, but then paused in the doorway and looked back. “Quick question, how would you do that?”

“Well, today I'm going to be dreading the impending nuptials, and then forced to travel with said Cometa Couple to the Constellation Pool which is quite a journey, not to mention watch them complete multiple rituals along the way, and I'll need a distraction to keep from losing my mind, so I imagine I will be able to devote that time to something more than adequate for you.”

“Right. Of course.” Frode blanched, gesturing as if he could make a big enough motion that would convince Nyrunn to spare him. “Well, no need for that, I will just leave you to your solitude and pining, and I'll go make sure everything else is on track.”

The door shut behind Frode and Nyrunn took a long, slow breath. He looked back over at the window and the sunlight streaming through the glass.

Sunset. The ceremony started when the sun was halfway through setting. Then the real torture would start.

Nyrunn would normally be grateful for anything that gave him a respite from the never-ending, heavy work that came with being king, but he'd gladly take the constant letters, proposals, and reports on the Moon Elves’ movements to distract him since he didn't actually need all day to get ready for a wedding that wasn't his.

When he did try to sit down to pick up something, even just the outline of the schedule for their impending travels, all he could see was Idonea's face from the night before. She’d been bathed in starlight and framed by bookshelves towering behind her, standing in a dress that had taken his breath away when she'd stepped out of the castle in it earlier that night. He’d been captivated by the way the sparkling diamonds of her necklace brought out the bright blue of her eyes. When he tried to read the words on the page, all he heard was her voice…

“I will be happier than I've ever been when I marry Olaug tomorrow...What more could I ever want?”

She’d meant it, right?

She hadn’t just been saying it to placate him because even if she did want more, she couldn’t have it. Or was she just making the best of the situation she was in because there was no escape for her either?

If Nyrunn had been a little bit faster the day she’d been picked by the Constella…

No. There was no sense going down this road any more.

He gave up pretending to be productive and made himself at least decent enough to walk around the castle. Idonea had promised she would be happy and that she loved Olaug, and that was what mattered, even if Nyrunn could not fathom how she’d managed to force herself to care for him.

However, Nyrunn would be remiss if he didn't at least try to ensure Olaug knew how lucky he was. If nothing else,he could throw his weight around as king to make sure Olaug made it his duty to love and cherish Idonea; then at least Nyrunn would know that she would be well taken care of.

Maybe Olaug would surprise him.

Nyrunn doubted it.

He’d seen Olaug dancing with the maid he’d allegedly been… He hadn’t beencourtingher, but if the rumors were true, he’d been taking far more liberties than he should with her. The kinder gossips called it a dalliance. Nyrunn was fairly certain the edge of severity to their rumored actions was lost in that kindness.

He didn’t care if it was true or not; Olaug was going to fear for his life if Nyrunn ever heard such a rumor after he was Idonea’s husband.

Nyrunn had heard of Olaug before he'd been selected as part of the Cometa Couple. Nyrunn had seen him around the castle, but he'd never truly taken notice of him. Nyrunn hadn't had a reason to take notice of every guard, nor the lieutenants, although maybe it was on him for not knowing the squad captains who served under the captain of the guard.

Especially since he'd been one and led a squad as part of his duties as crown prince before his father died.