Page 62 of Ties of Starlight

Nyrunn shook his head and returned to buttoning his shirt. “You are stronger than you look, little lily. After what I felt when the healers were operating on you, I’m surprised you are capable of standing upright. If it’d been me, I would be in bed for a week. I was, actually, one time after being injured in my tenure as a captain.”

Idonea shrugged her good arm. “That’s because you had the luxury. You get stabbed enough times, die a few more, and you learn what you’re capable of.”

Nyrunn’s eyes darkened, and she could sense through the bond there was something about her statement that got under his skin, but what?

It was true.

But instead of addressing it, he just said, “If it were up to me, I’d have you on bedrest anyway.”

“Unfortunately, the comet won’t wait just so you can have your way.”

Nyrunn sighed as he finished the last button on his shirt. “You’re right. Come on, we need to get moving.”

Idonea turned to find her bag, but Nyrunn beat her to it, pulling an outfit out and setting it on the foot of the bed. He began packing up his things, leaving her to change. She managed to shrug and shimmy the nightgown off without moving her injured shoulder too much. She also managed to step into a shift and shimmy it up over herself similarly, but when it came to the dress, she began to struggle.

She grunted as she tried to get her arm in the sleeve, but her moving it caused her to aggravate the wound in her shoulder. Nyrunn turned around and said, “Would you like some help?”

Idonea glared at the front of the dress hanging off her. “If I say no, will you be upset at me for reopening my shoulder wound?”

Nyrunn laughed as he came up to her and reached for the dress and her arm. “We didn’t go to all that trouble just for you to reinjure yourself over a dress.”

She ignored the heat crawling across her cheeks and stared at her arm so she didn’t have to look Nyrunn in the eyes, as he was much gentler with her arm than she’d been. He carefully slid the sleeve around it without disturbing it and as he did so, came around her back, taking the stays and tightening them so they were secure without being suffocating.

Once he was done, he brushed his palms over her arms. “I know it’s not in your nature to ask for help, but please, just ask.”

Idonea stared at the ground. “I’ll… keep that in mind.”

Nyrunn released her with a slight scoff before gathering up their things and carrying the bags to the exit.

Idonea took an extra minute to run a comb through her hair and left it loose as she had no time nor a second handfor anything more elaborate before she followed Nyrunn out into the camp. He was securing their bags to Idonea’s horse, and she paused, eyeing him.

When he turned around, he raised an eyebrow at her. “You didn’t think you’d be riding by yourself while you’re still recovering?”

Idonea wasn’t going to win this one either so she just sighed. “If you insist.”

“I do, in fact.”

Nyrunn tethered her horse to his before leading his horse over to her, and his hands were on her waist. He lifted her up into the air and set her on the saddle before swinging up after her, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned back into him. He rested his head on hers and murmured, “Is it really so awful to be in my arms?”

His hand covered hers and the throbbing in her side eased.

“Nyrunn… please—” Idonea whispered, but before she could make him stop, Frode rode up to them.

“Are you ready, Your Majesty? We don’t have a second to waste.”

“Yes, let’s move out.”

As they rode, this time they took a different formation. Guards rode at the front and Idonea and Nyrunn were in the middle of the whole pack, nobles both ahead and behind. She and Nyrunn were directly flanked on each side by Asa and Frode with two guards on their other sides.

Even if there was anything for her and Nyrunn to speak about that didn’t have to do with her past lives, Frode immediately began filling the air with his chatter so it wouldn’t be possible to get a word in edgewise.

Idonea, however, caught the way Frode’s eyes were always darting to the guards and how his fingers twitched whenever a branch broke nearby. The wholeparty rode with an air of tension, and Idonea didn’t blame them. She too had one eye toward the trees, waiting for an arrow to come flying through.

Halfway through the morning, Frode and Asa verbally sparring over them, Idonea looked up at the trees just to make sure nothing was there, and Nyrunn murmured in her ear, “I promise, you’re safe with me.”

“I wasn’t—”

His grip on her waist tightened. “Don’t lie to me, and don’t worry yourself to death. I’ve ensured our safe travels for the rest of this trip.”