Page 60 of Ties of Starlight

“If you knew what I wanted you to say…” Nyrunn took a deep breath. “I need you to tell me the truth. I know it. You know that I do. Don’t pretend otherwise.”

“I’m not trying to die.”

“I’m not saying that. But you were far more careless with your life because you know you’ll have another. You went back because you think your life has less value even though you’re the most important woman in Adastra.” Nyrunn squeezed her hand gently, voice softening. “You cannot be so reckless. You didn’t even think what I would do if I lost you.”

Idonea’s brow furrowed and she pulled her hand away. “Of course I did. The ritual would be ruined, but you would be able to continue on, marry, secure your line, and face the Moon Elves when they came.”

She didn’t understand.

He shouldn’t have hoped maybe there was something else beneath it all that had been the real reason she’d nearly died for him.

“I am furious with you.” Nyrunn’s voice darkened. If she didn’t feel anything for him the way he did for her, fine, but that didn’t mean he would let her think what she’d done was acceptable. “You cannot be reasoned with.”

“You mean you cannot force me to apologize for saving your life.” But Idonea’s voice faltered at the end.

“I amnot—” Nyrunn’s voice rose and Idonea immediately shifted away with her good hand. “What… What are you doing?”

Idonea froze. Her hand was shaking, fingers curled into the blanket. She looked so small. He couldn’t deny the feeling rising on the other side of the bond.

When was she ever going to stop being terrified of him?

He shifted back and lowered his voice. “I’m not trying to yell. I would never hurt you.”

Idonea ducked her head. Then, in a tiny whisper, “When you get angry, you sound like him. Bror, I mean.”

Right. It was a wonder she could even stand to be in the same room as him most of the time.

She continued, saying, “I know you’re not. It’s just… I don’t always remember you’re not instantly. You’re not him. You’re a much better man than he was, especially throughout all of this.”

Nyrunn’s head was pounding. Idonea was alive.

That alone was enough to be grateful for.

And even if it wasn’t for the reason he wanted it to be, she had stayed in the fight because of him and she’d thrown herself on a dagger to save his life. Would it be so awful to pretend for one more night it had been because she loved him even a fraction as much as he loved her?

“Let’s just go to bed. Our fights will still be there in the morning.”

Idonea nodded, and just as she started to sink back, he had taken the blankets and thrown them aside. She gasped, but he was already behind her, pulling her into his arms the way he had the night before, one arm wrapped around her waist and his legs parted to make room as he pulled the blankets back up.


“Are you in pain?” He cut off her protest, taking his other hand and wrapping it around her good one.

“I’m sore, but I’ll be fine. Really, this is unnecessary. If I roll over, the pain will wake me up and I’ll correct it. This can’t be comfortable.”

“If you weren’t injured, I’d tell you to try sleeping on the ground for a night and then you’d see this is actually farmore comfortable. Now, be quiet and go to sleep. I’m not doing this for me.”

He could see Idonea’s expression screwed up as she puzzled over what that meant instead of listening to him and going to sleep. He just focused on the warmth of her skin beneath his hand and the bond running between them.

Then he started taking on her pain.

She let out a gasp, jolting slightly before settling back into his arms and against his chest. “What… What’s happening?”

“Hush, little lily. You’ve been in pain all day—no matter what you might have told Lady Asa, you can’t fool me.” Nyrunn tilted his head back against the pillows as the ache overtook his senses.

“It’s… Is this you?” Idonea stirred again in his arms, and he tightened his grip. “Are you taking my pain?”

Not willing to get into another ridiculous fight, he closed his eyes. “Go to sleep.”