Page 58 of Ties of Starlight

“I’m the other half of the Cometa Couple. After him, my survival is quite important, and as king, he feels responsible for my well-being,” Idonea said, but she couldn’t look Asa in the eyes. She stared down at the plate, almost empty in front of her.

“Be serious. I know you said all those things the night before your wedding because you couldn’t have known you’d actually end up marrying His Majesty, but don’t tell me you still actually believe all of that?”

What did it matter to Asa? Couples were married all the time that didn’t love each other.

“It’s not relevant.” Idonea narrowed her eyes, but Asa was undeterred.

“He’s your husband,” Asa said, like that somehow changed everything. “You haven’t found him to be at least a little bit charming? In the way he defended you from Katla? How he rushed you away after the Heava Dance to calm you down? How he’s been at your side after you took a dagger for him?”

Asa would not let this go. Idonea ducked her head low, her hair hiding her blush as she still felt the ghost of his arms around her. “He has his moments. He’s not… He’s a good husband.”

“He’s certainly a handsome one, isn’t he?” Asa’s tone lilted up and Idonea’s neck nearly snapped as she looked up, cheeks a burning red.

She gritted her teeth. “I’m not blind.”

“So that would be a yes.” Asa giggled. “Come on, don’t glare at me like that. I’m not asking for any details, just seeing if you’ve changed your mind about him and come around to him being your husband now. It certainly can’t be a hardship to be his wife and wake up next to him in the mornings.”

“It’s not that simple, and it really isn’t your business.” How Idonea wished she could get up and physically escape the infuriating woman.

Asa held up a hand placatingly. “I’m not trying to offend. And I’m sure you’re thinking ahead to all the complications that will come with you being queen after this. I’m just saying this is the fun part, before all of that catches up to you.”

Just hearing the word had Idonea’s stomach rolling. She pushed the tray at Asa, unable to eat anymore.

“You’re going to make an excellent queen, I’m sure of it,” Asa said as she took the tray and set it to the side.

“Thank you for your confidence,” Idonea murmured, the only polite thing she could come up with as she lay back, closing her eyes. Her ribs ached and her shoulder throbbed. Her arm, trapped in a sling, sat heavy on her chest.

Considering she still had no idea what was going through Nyrunn’s head about the revelation of her past lives, she didn’t know if she’d even make it that long.

Chapter 21

All day, just when Nyrunn finally thought he’d be done and able to escape back to check on Idonea, something else sank its claws into him. Usually Frode.

They were a whole day behind schedule, and it had broken Frode’s mind.

It was also likely he was being more frantic and panicked about the delay because of how close the elf had come to dying if not for Nyrunn, who by all accounts should have left him behind in the name of protecting himself as both king and Agnarr’s chosen.

So Nyrunn did his best to be patient with him even though all he wanted to do was snap at him to figure it out so he could go back to his wife.

He could feel the flickers of her emotions on the other end of the bond, but mostly the deep ache of her wounds. In the morning, as he’d been trying to go over the maps with Frode, the Constella, and the captain of the guard about their route, he’d felt Idonea’s ache and tried to take on some, but couldn’t get ahold of any of it.He supposed he could only do that if he was closer, possibly even touching her.

Between Frode, the Constella, and the captain, all concerned about their timing and the possibility of another Moon Elf attack, Nyrunn’s head was pounding by noon, and he didn’t escape until sunset.

They’d readjusted their route so they would still hit their camps and make up for the lost time as well as sent messengers out to round up more security and send scouts ahead of their group to ensure there would be no more Moon Elf attacks. They hadn’t been able to take any of the Moon Elves alive in their focus on escaping. The dead ones hadn’t had anything on them that would mark them as soldiers. When Nyrunn did send word to the Moon Elf king, the only response he was going to get would be that they were criminals and he was happy Nyrunn had killed them.

Nyrunn wasn’t fool enough to believe that story, but without proof, all he would do would be starting a war they didn’t stand a chance at winning even if he and Idonea finished the ritual. Completing the ritual and using the comet only made them strong enough to survive and not worth the fight for the Moon Elves.

Nyrunn slipped back into the tent to see Idonea sleeping, on her back thankfully, while Asa was almost but not quite dozing in the chair beside her. Asa blinked her eyes open and startled awake. She pushed herself up so she could curtsy. “Your Majesty.”

“How was she?” Nyrunn asked as he came inside. Idonea didn’t stir.

“She didn’t complain about anything. She spent most of the day sleeping.”

“Thank you, Lady Asa. I appreciate it,” Nyrunn said as he moved to kneel beside Idonea.

“It was my honor. I hope…” Lady Asa’s eyes landed on Idonea again. “She saved my life as well as yours. I tried to tell her, but she wouldn’t listen. I hope maybe I’ll have the chance to convince her, as a friend, how much that meant to me.”

Nyrunn smiled. “I hope you do too.”