If they knew Nyrunn the way she did, they would never find him charming. He could also still absolutely hear what she was saying.
So she pushed down her fiery human temper and said, “I'm sure he was very charming with you and the court. I simply saw a different side of him. Why would he waste any of that charm on a half-elf servant?”
Katla was satisfied with that answer, or at least she cared about it less than she did getting back on the floor as the latest song ended. She looked around, trying to catch the eye of a male elf. Idonea idly looked back out as well just in time to see Olaug laughing as he dragged a serving girl away from her duties and out onto the floor.
It didn’t mean anything.
Olaug just liked to dance.
Still, Idonea took a deep breath and dug her fingers into her skirts to steady herself as she watched the love of her life beaming at an elf that wasn’t her.
Katla’s lips curved into a smirk that betrayed her even as she said, “Really, it’s not my place to question the Constella and the selection of the couple, but couldn’t they have chosen an elf with a little more decorum? Or at least the sense not to make such a show of his previous indiscretion?”
Idonea’s stomach twisted as her blood boiled. She sent Katla a vicious glare and snapped, “Those were just rumors,spread by petty, jealous girls who were angry they wouldn’t have the chance to try to win Olaug’s attention.”
Asa glanced between the dancers and Idonea before whispering, “Are you certain? Even if Olaug had truly been caught—”
“I asked him when the rumors started. He told me they weren’t true, and that’s all I’ll be saying on the matter.” Idonea pushed herself out of her seat, pressing her hand to her turning stomach. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I should get to bed.”
Olaug had promised her that nothing had happened between him and the maid. She owed it to him to believe him. If the situation was reversed and she was the victim of such rumors, he would believe her and stand by her.
Even if she didn’t deserve it.
He had before.
Idonea took one last look at the crowd for Olaug when her eyes strayed too far to the right to see King Nyrunn had once again abandoned pretext and was staring at her.
She ignored her racing heart and lifted her chin as she met his gaze. He terrified her twice as much as his father and uncle ever had, but she wouldn’t show it.
Idonea had been preparing for this her whole life. She would do this perfectly.
But maybe she should double check she hadn't forgotten anything important this time.
Chapter 2
Idonea slipped away back inside the castle. No one would notice or care. It wasn't against the rules for her to leave early. Besides, it was in the name of perfection.
She brushed her fingers over the diamonds embedded into the stars of her necklace and carried in her other hand a tiny star, just big enough to light her steps in front of her. It was the most magic she could do, especially with how weak their connection was to the stars, thanks to the previous failures of the Cometa Couple and Idonea’s human blood. Being able to create and control light was just the beginning of what her people could do with their magic. Healing, scrying, infusing their magic into weapons were all their own specialized fields and there were dozens of titles of each and other areas of study throughout the library.
Thankfully she knew her way even in the dark. She'd already packed everything so she could enjoy her wedding day and night and be ready to leave first thing in themorning afterwards. If she was going to add another book to her bags, she needed to do it tonight.
She reached the library, pushing the door open with one hand and stepping inside. She reached to her right and set her star in the sconce. The mirrors reflected the weak light and bounced it all over the vast room, not making much of a difference with its weak state. However, it gave her enough light to see by when combined with the glass ceiling high above that let in the moonlight and the starlight.
Seeing the stars and the sky was calming even when indoors. No Star Elf ever chose a room without windows somewhere.
The shelves wrapped around the edge of the room, creating aisles that Idonea could spend hours wandering through. She certainly had spent hours dusting and reshelving. The wealth of all the Star Elves’ knowledge was contained within this one room. Science, art, magic, economics, agriculture, history… any remote, obscure subject that could be written about, they had a book about it. Actually, they probably had twenty.
Idonea made her way to the shelf she was looking for, grabbing the rolling ladder and setting it in place. Even the elves needed it, so Idonea needed it doubly so since she was shorter than most of them. Once she had it in the right place, she gathered her skirts up in one hand as she started climbing up, using her other hand to brace herself on the ladder.
The night was cool, and her dress wasn't designed for warmth. It sufficiently covered her, thankfully. Idonea had never let anyone see the mark on her chest. She was terrified of what would happen when she had no choice but to show Olaug after their wedding. But that was a problem fortomorrow. At least the high collar, long sleeves, and full skirts warded off the chill some.
She paused halfway up the ladder, huffing and hiking her skirts up again to keep them from tangling in her ankles. She reached the shelf she needed, the second from the top. She let go of her skirts, gripping the ladder with one hand. She brushed her fingers over the spines, leaning over slightly to read the titles.
Where was it?
Captain Bror's Account of the Failed CometaCouple.