The next steps were to remove her veils and she’d begin washing the war paint off him. Not everything was part of the rituals, but it was tradition, and the Constella’s entire job over the last year had been to educate her and Olaug on the rituals and the traditions.
“This is the part where you take off my veil.”
He didn't respond, and he didn't move to do it.
She took a step closer. “Olaug, everything went perfectly. It may not be required, but isn’t it better to stick to tradition? We shouldn’t eschew it for no reason.”
But he just flinched.
The unsettled feeling returned. This wasn't right. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. The frantic hum was starting to seep into her, causing her heart to race.
“You... You have to take off my veil. I'm not supposed to. You know that.” She took another step until she was in front of him. She still couldn't see much, but now that she was closer, his height—
Then he moved, closing the distance in one quick stride, taking the veil and lifting it swiftly over her head to drape behind her. “Idonea—”
The second the gauzy haze was gone, the starlight illuminated his features, and they were unmistakable even with the paint. She jerked back as she looked at her husband.
Not Olaug.
King Nyrunn.
Chapter 6
Nyrunn held his breath as his hands hovered in the air where Idonea had been a moment before. Now she was stumbling away from him, eyes wide and horror pouring over her.
Or maybe through the strange bond they now had, letting them sense each other’s emotions.
He’d forgotten that the bond was emotional in nature and not just magical.
“No. No—” Idonea wrapped her arms around herself as she shook her head. “I don't know what's going on here, but it's not funny, Your Majesty. I don't know how you did it, but this stops now. Get out of here and bring me my husband. You can't be in here!”
He'd known she would be in shock, but this level of denial was more than he'd anticipated. He lifted his wrist, showing the glowing lines on it, matching hers. “I am your husband.”
Idonea stumbled back again, the back of her legs hitting the bed, and she caught herself on it. Her eyes were still locked on him. “No.No.You can't be. My duty as Gytha'schosen is to marry Agnarr's chosen, which the Constella himself said was Olaug one year ago.”
“He was. Now he's not. I am.” Nyrunn took a small step toward her. “Idonea, I know you're confused and—”
She glanced at the bed she was sitting on and quickly launched herself back to her feet, skirts swirling as she started pacing, putting distance between them. “No—I can't—I can't be married to you. This—This has to be a horrible trick or a nightmare, or something. This—” She gestured at him and a sharp pulse of something dark and horrified ripped through him but it wasn’t his. “This is not how this is supposed to be! This needed to be perfect, and now—”
Idonea's breathing was rapid and her eyes were spilling over with tears, and Nyrunn caught her by the arm, stopping her frantic pacing. Her emotions kept crashing into him, rising with each second. If he didn’t calm her down now, she would fall completely into hysteria and he’d be completely helpless.
This panic was far beyond what he’d been anticipating.
“Deep breaths. Everything is alright.” Nyrunn held her in place, taking a deep breath as well. Given her words the night before, if she could see that the rituals were still intact, he’d be able to explain everything else. “We did everything perfectly, and we'll finish the rituals—”
She ripped her arm away and her voice darkened. “It wasn't supposed to beyou!”
The force of her fury hit him in his chest, sending him physically staggering back.
Nyrunn couldn't help his voice rising slightly. “If you would stop interrupting me, maybe I can explain why it was me!”
Idonea stumbled back to the other side of the tent, wrapping her arms around herself and glaring at him. Thehurricane of emotion settled into a faint, frazzled hum. When she said nothing else, he took that as his chance to explain.
He was only going to get one shot.
“Everything was set to go according to plan this morning, but complications arose.”
“Whatcomplications?” Idonea’s voice wavered. “Where is Olaug?”