Page 11 of Ties of Starlight

“Why not? Nowhere in the rites’ specifications does it say Agnarr’s chosen cannot be royalty. We need a leader; who better than the leader of our people?” Nyrunn couldn't help the laugh rising in his throat as a grin spread across his face. “I meet all the requirements, and I'm willing. Really, as king, it's mydutyto step in and ensure this wedding happens for all our benefit. Ihaveto do this.”

When Nyrunn put it like that, who could argue against that logic?

Frode, apparently.

Frode raised a sharp eyebrow and leaned forward. “Oh, so this has nothing to do with the fact that you're desperately, pathetically in love with her and the only thing that has restrained you from doing anything about it is your honor and integrity?”

“Our people need a Cometa Couple. Idonea needs a groom. I match the requirements. And I need a queen.” Nyrunn gestured to the horrid letter on the dresser. “Is it so terrible that in addition I also love her and will treat her better than he ever would have?”

“You're forgetting something.”

Nyrunn raised an eyebrow.

Frode gestured to the room around them. “She thinks she's marrying Olaug. I know you don’t want to hear it, but she's as in love with him as you are her. This isn't what you want.”

Frode was right; Nyrunn didn’t want to hear it. He’d forced himself to hear it last night because he’d hoped itwould help him let her go. Now, he didn’t have to watch from afar. She could be his.

Nothing could get in his way now.

“What I want is to marry her.” His voice went frigid. “If this is how it happens, then this is how it happens. This has to happen for our people.”

Despite his words otherwise, Nyrunn knew Frode was right.

This wasn't as simple as he wanted it to be. But they couldn't complicate it more. They couldn't delay it. This was what was best for everyone.

And no matter what happened next, everything would turn out right. There was no other option. He’d be married to Idonea; how could it not be for the best in the end?

“My feelings for her are irrelevant,” Nyrunn lied through his teeth as he took a deep breath, leaving no room to argue against his decree. “Now, I'm getting married this evening. We have a lot to do to make this work.”

Frode stilled, far more serious than Nyrunn had ever seen him before. “You know this is a bad idea.”

“Is it?”

“If you truly believe this is a great idea, you would go to Idonea and tell her what's happening.” Frode’s voice hardened. “But you won't because you know she won't go down that aisle if she knows it's not Olaug who will be beside her.”

Nyrunn ignored the white-hot fire burning in his chest as Frode cut right through him.

“I'm going to have a perfect life starting tomorrow with the elf I love.”

She’d been saying all of that to reassure him. She’d been exaggerating.

Even if she hadn’t been, it didn’t erase everything between them.

But… Nyrunn couldn’t risk it. Their people couldn’t afford for Idonea not to go down the aisle. If he had to lie by omission in order to get her to the altar, so be it.

“First of all, I can't tell her. Part of the ceremony is that I can't see her on the day of; thankfully I haven't. Besides, if she knew, she would be panicking and insisting on trying to find him, and we don't have time for that.” Nyrunn started for the door. “I have to start getting ready now if we’re going to stay on schedule.”

“No.” Frode followed him, hot on his heels. “What you're afraid of is that shewouldfind him and there'd be no need for you to step in and act like the noble hero doing this solely out of duty.”

Nyrunn had lost his chance with her before he'd ever truly had it. He couldn't let that happen again.

He would not continue following in his uncle’s footsteps and lose the only girl he’d ever loved.

“What does it matter if there is a small amount of selfishness in my reasoning?” He did his best not to let the guilt Frode was stirring up rise any further. He still would not meet Frode’s gaze as they walked. “It doesn't change anything else as to why I have to do this even if I didn't want to.”

“And what are you going to tell her when she's bound to you, thinking you’re Olaug?”

Nyrunn hadn’t thought that far ahead.