“That’d be a shame. They went to a lot of effort to rescue you just to kill you.” John pulled back as Robin let go of his shirt and reluctantly turned around to see Alan with his mouth open, Will holding himself up by Little Jon’s shoulder, and Little Jon with his arms crossed and an indecipherable expression.
Robin couldn’t help her snort of laughter as she stepped out of his arms and said, “Fine, maybe they won’t kill me. They probably want to kill you though. You go deal with your family, and get me the pardon you should have given me a year ago—honestly, how do you forget to pardon the criminal you’re trying to marry?—and I’ll deal with mine.”
“Apparently, much to both of our shock, I am capable of making a mistake in my most brilliant of schemes,” John said, reluctantly stepping in Richard’s direction as his brother held the tent flap open. “And after?”
“Then we go home,” Robin said.
Before Robin could enjoy the soft smile John gave her, Will was making a choked, strangled noise, and she turned to go deal with them instead. As she approached her men, she saw John duck into Richard’s tent out of the corner of her eye.
“What—I—Robin—What in all the stars’ light was that?” Alan finally managed to get out, gesturing to where she and John had been standing.
“Have you lost your mind?” Will asked.
Little Jon said nothing.
Robin let out a long sigh. “Look, I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m not going to sign the annulment. I’m going to stay married. I appreciate you coming for me, bringing me here so I can make that decision, but I’m settled.”
“You want tostaymarried to Prince Parasite?” Alan gaped.
“Is this some kind of plan? You can tell us. We’ll always help you with whatever plan you’ve got,” Will said.
“The plan is to keep doing what I’ve been doing for months and help Astren from inside the castle instead of outside.” Robin reached for Alan and Will’s arms and squeezed them. “There’s no secret plan, but I would love to have your help.”
“I’m not following…” Alan shook his head. “How can any paper you sign in the castle be worth—” Alan gestured at where she and John had been passionately embracing “—that!”
Little Jon let out a long sigh and then cuffed Alan and Will on the backs of their heads. When they looked at him, he said, “She’d stay married to him even without all of that. She loves him.”
“Youwhat?” Will nearly fell as he turned on his heel, rubbing the back of his head.
Robin could feel the heat rushing to her cheeks but she crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “Look, it’s a long story, but yes. I do love Prince John. I’m staying married to him. And I really hope you all will come back to Lathe with us.”
“Alright, quick, we gotta get going and find a witch or someone to fix her,” Alan said, clapping his hands together.
It was like arguing with a wall.
Before she could continue trying to convince them she hadn’t been bewitched or brainwashed, a commotion behind her caught her attention.
“—oted. Thank you, Your Majesty. We’ll be on our way and leave you to your war!” John was calling out as he walked backward out of Richard’s tent, holding the signed pardon.
Robin couldn’t help her laugh as she saw him. As soon as it hit the air, John turned and spotted her while Will muttered, “Oh, this has to be magic. This cannot be natural.”
Robin ignored them and turned to face John as he hurried over to her. She took a few steps toward him, and said, “Am I officially an upstanding citizen again?”
John smirked as he handed her the pardon. “Officially, you’re a princess. A little different than a citizen, but you are clean in the eyes of the law. Now, can we go? I promised your cousin I’d bring you back as soon as humanly possible.”
Robin grinned. “You’re just afraid the desert is going to dry out your skin.”
“Forgive me for having some pride in my appearance, you savage.”
“Really? This one? Come on, Robin!” Alan was pinching his brow out of the corner of her eye.
John quickly looped a hand around her waist and pulled her back into his front as he narrowed his eyes at Alan. “Huh. You look better when you’re pretending to be a woman.”
Alan’s face immediately turned bright red as he opened his mouth.
“Alright! Look, we’re going to have a long few weeks ride back to Lathe where we can all insult each other and argue and drive each other insane,” Robin said, holding a hand out between her and her men.
“Pardon?” John said, craning his head to look at her.