Page 82 of The Prince's Mage

If Gavril was right… and she knew he wouldn’t lie to her about something he considered a personal failure, then she had no other choice. She had died. But she had been revived.

Maybe it was for this very purpose.

He’d made it clear, though, the consequences if any of his people ever discovered it. He’d kept it even from Aimilia. If it ever got out that she’d died and come back…

Marcella was more than happy to keep that secret with him.

The morning after Gavril had commanded Marcella to have faith, her fingers moved through the air, perfectly in sync, and lines of vitae glowed in the air as she slowly cast the Inimicus rune.

She didn’t expect much. She’d started the rune successfully multiple times before and always messed something up in the casting of it—usually the distribution of vitae to two hands— but this time she reached the end without sputtering out.

And she held an ugly little thing of pure vitae that was more puddle than the ball she was supposed to create, but it was there. She had cast a two-handed Inimicus rune.

It was a miracle.

She looked up and an excited sort of squeal erupted from the back of her throat as she held it out toward Gavril and Aimilia. Aimilia clapped her hands together and laughed while Gavril rushed toward her and she was forced to banish the rune as he grabbed her and spun her around, laughing.

“Beautiful girl, wondrous creature, I knew you could do it! My faith was not misplaced. Peace, we shall have peace,” he whispered into her ear as he crushed her to himself.

Marcella sank into his arms before she caught Nikias’ gaze—actually it wasn’t on her for once. It was on the window behind her and Gavril that she hadn’t realized had been opened again.

On the silver-backed raven sitting there.

Marcella ignored it and buried her face in Gavril’s shoulder.

The ravens didn’t matter. When they showed Gavril and Nikias’ parents the truth about their people, they’d go on and show her people. Then Hypatia’s marching army wouldn’t be needed anymore.

* * *

Now that Marcella was capable, there was no time to waste, especially since she suspected the Inimicus had to have started receiving reports of Hypatia’s army by then. Nikias arranged the details of how they would go about getting Marcella in front of the king and queen, promising Gavril he would handle it. All Gavril had to do was look nice, show up and make sure Marcella did her part.

Aimilia promised she’d have Marcella looking as beautiful as she had at the last banquet.

Marcella resigned herself to another torturous experience of Aimilia trying to do Marcella’s hair. It had been beautiful. But far too painful to be worth it.

While Gavril was gone, going to fetch something to eat, and Marcella was back in her room, she reluctantly opened her window and the raven from before was already there, waiting for her.

She sighed and received the message.

Again, Hypatia demanding her hostage and the Heart.

For the first time, Marcella cast a rune to send a message back.

Chiefess Hypatia,

My sincerest apologies for the lack of response. It has been slow work, but I now can say that I can bring you something that will mean ending this war with no more of our people’s bloodshed. Please, I know I am just a humble soldier, but I need to make this request. Slow your army. Do not cross into the Inimicus territory. Stay on the border, and I will bring you what you need.

Peace. I can bring peace.

Marcella of Desero

She’d just started to close the window when Gavril returned.

He was beaming at her. He hadn’t stopped since she’d succeeded that morning and had managed a shape that was even closer to a proper ball that afternoon.

Her heart was still pounding. Would he still look at her like that if he knew this had all started because of her manipulation?

How was she going to survive when it disappeared and he wanted nothing to do with her? How was she going to just go back to her clan and people and settle for Hypatia’s promises when she knew what it was like to be so loved when she was worth none of it?