But he wanted to.
For as much as she relished a good story, she hated being the subject of one. But that reaction did nothing to get him closer to the truth.
Aimilia reached Gavril and the rest of their small party first. She immediately relaxed at the sight of him and said, “I did my best, Gavril, but he insisted he was fine. Maybe he’ll listen to you and stay here before we get halfway there and he falls off his horse.”
“Iamfine, Commander,” Nikias snapped.
Gavril sighed and said, “Can the two of you agree to get along at least until after I’m married again? Think of it as a wedding present to me since neither of you got me anything the first time.”
“Then one of us will have to ride at the front and the other the back,” Aimilia said, tapping her heels again and pulling away from both of them. She threw over her shoulder, “He’s your brother; you get to make sure he doesn’t keel over.”
Was she avoiding him because she’d been avoiding him in the weeks following the treaty being finalized or because of what happened when she returned his cloak? If she’d returned his cloak in person.
Gavril rolled his eyes, and Nikias just watched Aimilia meet up with the other commanders Gavril had selected for this trip. Nikias could not object to his brother’s selection. He’d chosen the ones who weren’t at least outright hostile to the Sordes and were intrigued by Gavril’s proven hypothesis of them being able to learn each other’s runes.
Gavril signaled for the rest of them to set off as well. Nikias’ horse fell into step next to Gavril’s and he kept his voice low so no one else could hear as he said, “We should be less worried about me keeling over and more concerned about when Father will.”
Gavril stiffened. “You think he’s on death’s door?”
Nikias sighed. “Unlike myself, he has not been recovering. The healers tell me it will be soon. How soon, I’m not certain.”
Gavril lowered his gaze to his reins. “If you expect me to have any remorse or grief—”
“Of course not.” Nikias certainly didn’t, and he’d had a far easier time than Gavril ever had. “However, I cannot say I am looking forward to it. Knowing I will one day be king is a far different thing than knowing that it is likely less than a year until I will be king.”
“You will be a far better king than he was, and I do mean that.” Gavril looked up and fixed Nikias with a deep glare. “Don’t take that to mean you’re in any way back in my good graces, but just that if I had to choose, I do think you are a slightly better man than our father.”
It was more than Nikias had ever expected from his brother after the things he’d done. He accepted it with a nod.
“But you are a better man than both of us by far. Aimilia once told me you would be ten times the king I ever could be,” Nikias said. It was one of the many things she’d said to him that had haunted his nightmares, mostly because it was true. “She’s right. You would be.”
Gavril shrugged. “The second Father makes it back to Areator, he’ll disinherit me and banish me, so it doesn’t matter. Even if that wasn’t happening, I still wouldn’t want to be king. You’re the heir. It’s supposed to be you.”
Nikias supposed now was as good a time as any to break the news.
“You won’t be banished.”
Gavril nearly fell out of his saddle with how quickly he whipped around to face Nikias. “What?”
“It took me several days of arguing with our father, but I have worked out a deal with him that will placate him. He won’t banish you from Areator, but he won’t let you live in the palace for as long as he lives.”
Gavril snorted, a grin spreading on his face. “That’s no punishment, believe me.”
Nikias’ stomach churned. It was his fault. His constant failures all their lives to protect Gavril from their parents.
He had plenty to atone for.
He didn’t get to die to absolve himself like he’d intended. His guilt was his to live with the rest of his life. While he breathed, he would hope he could somehow make a dent in the debts he owed and try to fix a fraction of his mistakes.
“I assumed you’d feel that way. He also won’t officially disown you. He just wants to ensure you’re removed from the line of succession unofficially, especially since you are keeping your Sordes wife,” Nikias said.
Gavril raised an eyebrow. “How does he intend on having me removed if he’s not going to officially disown me?”
Nikias looked at the rest of the party riding ahead of them, making sure none of them were eavesdropping on the conversation. He was satisfied that he could barely even see Aimilia’s red hair at the front of the party, so she least of all could overhear.
Still, he spoke in as low a voice as he could, “Actually, that will be my doing.”
Gavril’s confused expression didn’t fade.