“Fighting is not tired of you.”
“Have faith and fight.”
Hypatia turned back to Aimilia once more, seeming to weigh the options. Marcella was moving. Her fingers were flying in perfect unison.
Maybe Konstantin was right about her.
The sphere of vitae formed in her hands right as she brought them up to Hypatia’s neck.
Hypatia went perfectly still, tilting her head up just enough to look at Marcella who stood behind her, holding her completely still with the threat.
Hypatia’s lips quirked up, but there was a slight tremor in her voice. “Do you have something to add to the discussion?”
Marcella had never heard that before in her voice. Fear.
“You will take Nikias,” Marcella commanded, her focus wholly on holding up her rune, making it clear what she would do if Hypatia refused. “No one else. I will not stand for anyone else. Make him feel it. What he had done to me. That is justice. It is my body they tore to pieces, so as the only one who got off that table alive, I am demanding you take him and only him.”
Better Nikias than anyone else.
Hypatia whispered in their language, “Who knew you had it in you, little one? Do you realize if you kill me now Konstantin will take over this negotiation and the coalition? You can stop anyone from getting tortured at all.”
That hadn’t actually occurred to her. But before she could even process the thought, Hypatia continued, “But you won’t. You know this is necessary. You want this. You want him to suffer.”
Marcella swallowed thickly, feeling every eye in the room on her.
“I will not forget this treason.” Hypatia grinned. “But it’sgoodto know I have had some influence over you after all, sister-in-law.”
Marcella stayed silent. But it seemed that was more than enough confirmation for Hypatia.
She spoke in the Inimicus tongue loud enough for everyone else. “Alright. I accept your offer, Prince Nikias. Let’s wrap this treaty up. We will have a bloody peace, but we will have peace nonetheless.”
Nikias nodded, and if there was any fear in him about what he’d just agreed to, it did not show. He glanced over to Marcella, still holding up the rune, and then Gavril and said, “Release my brother.”
Marcella didn’t even hear what Nikias said in response; she had banished the Inimicus rune and was tearing across the room while the guards let go of Gavril’s arms. She threw her arms around him and was enveloped in his, him crushing the cloak to her back as he held her tightly. She whispered, “You’re safe, thank Asentai, you’re safe. It’s over.”
Gavril buried his head in her curls. “Mea spes, pulchra spes,this peace has cost so much.”
“As long as it does not cost you,” Marcella whispered.
“I would have. I would have been honored to pay for my failures,” Gavril whispered.
A different voice cut in. “They were not your failures.”
Marcella turned in Gavril’s arms to see Nikias standing in front of them, arms crossed. Gavril tightened his grip on Marcella’s waist. Behind them, Hypatia was ignoring Konstantin as he was furiously whispering in her ear and watching the Inimicus commanders draft the final version of the treaty.
She felt Gavril’s breath catch in his throat. He said, “Nikias—”
“Oh, save it. I have been furious with you from the second I heard you were missing, but I am—” Whatever he was going to say, he took one look at Hypatia, who was watching them out of the corner of her eye, and stopped. “I am just glad you are safe despite your idiocy.”
Marcella tried to pull herself out of Gavril’s grip, but he wouldn’t let go. She whispered, “It’s alright, he’s your brother and he’s about to let Hypatia have at him. Talk to him.”
Gavril huffed, pressing a kiss to her cheek before letting go. Marcella stepped out of Gavril’s grip and he passed his cloak to her as she went. She’d barely started to wrap it around her shoulders again before Nikias had grabbed his brother and was looking him over, muttering about spiteful insanity and women. Then he had his arms wrapped around Gavril, crushing him in his grip.