Page 124 of The Prince's Mage

The sun was setting by the time they finished all the formalities and pleasantries required of them for such an event. And Marcella eagerly agreed when Konstantin asked if she was ready to go see Gavril.

Thanks to the fact that Gavril was in Montis’ section with Montis guards, they didn’t even have to sneak into the shelter.

The second she saw him, she rushed ahead of Konstantin and called out, “Gavril!”

He immediately roused, sitting up at the sound of her voice and his eyes landing on her. He strained against the ropes holding him down, but his eyes brightened.

“Deliciae, are you alright? What happened after you left?”

Marcella immediately crashed to her knees in front of him and started to untie the knots. She could hear Konstantin walk up more calmly behind her. She said, “I am fine. Hypatia was demanding, and always wanting her way. She threatened to make an annulment part of the treaty.”

The second Gavril’s arms were free they were around her. His hands were running over her arms and then her face, brushing her hair back to examine her in the fading light. She was far less concerned with her own state than his given the bruises and injuries she’d seen on him the last time she’d been with him.

“You would hide it from me if she did harm you; I know you well enough for that,” Gavril muttered as she managed to swat his arms away enough that she could get his face into her hands that she might examine him. He then looked over her shoulder at Konstantin behind her and switched to the Inimicus language, “Why is the demon’s husband here? Has he been of any use to you against her?”

She switched to his language as well, despite her still fumbling manner in it. “Long story. But yes.”

“She is determined then to keep you as far from me as possible?” Gavril asked, his hands settling on her waist. “You said she is going to force an annulment?”

She nodded.

Konstantin cleared his throat and spoke in the clan tongue. “I am rusty in your tongue, Inimicus, but not that rusty. You conceal little and just make obvious your dislike of me.”

Marcella had just looked over her shoulder at her adopted brother when Gavril pulled her flush against his chest and she couldn’t help her little squeak at the unexpected motion. He said, “You married the woman who killed my sister-in-law and then scarred and sent my wife to die, and failed to do anything to stop her.”

Konstantin opened his mouth, but Gavril’s hand found hers and he found the shallow cut from where she’d pricked her finger earlier. “What is this?”

“Nothing, it’s—”

“You know a pettier man than I would tell you that since you are not married in the eyes of Asentai you should not be so entangled with her. Actually, I suppose I should be honor bound to demand so, considering you are manhandling my sister now.”

“What?” Gavril hissed, his grip decidedly not loosening on her.

Marcella glared at Konstantin. “Adoptedbrother and only as a way to circumvent Hypatia’s plans to force an annulment.”

“I do not take such ceremonies lightly, and neither should you.” Konstantin glared right back at her, but with a slight fondness to his look. “Regardless of how all this turns out, what’s done is done. We are family.”

Marcella turned back to Gavril and said, “It is a long story. Because Hypatia is refusing to recognize our marriage—”

“To be fair, I am as well,” Konstantin interjected. “It’s not a wedding unless there is a priest.”

“Anyway, because of that refusal, I have no say in her treatment of you because I have no claim over you. As a member of Desero, I am entirely under her authority, so if she forced the annulment, afterwards she can easily command me to stay by her side or arrange a whole other marriage.”

“But as a member of Montis,” Konstantin said, “she falls under my authority now, particularly as an adopted sister. I now rank higher than Hypatia, so should Marcella be offered an engagement in our tradition, I have the authority to approve it. Hypatia can try to negotiate an annulment by your standards, but by ours you will be promised. And there will be nothing she could do about it.”

“It will be pointless for her to try forcing the annulment then, so I doubt she’ll even attempt it. All we need are a set of gold lily pins and clasps, Konstantin—” She turned to her adopted brother; since this was his scheme he should have the set to give to Gavril to give to her.

But Konstantin stepped back, holding his empty hands up, and he had a soft smile.

Gavril shifted, drawing Marcella’s attention back to him. She let out a choked gasp when he pulled out a set of lily pins. Not just any set.

The same set he’d taken from her when he’d thought she was Hypatia.

He’d kept them. She’d thought he’d long since thrown them away when she’d told him to. But all this time he’d kept them.

Gavril’s eyes and smile directed at her were the softest she’d ever seen before, and he opened his mouth, but was cut off by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

Marcella was decided. Konstantin made for the most annoying adopted brother in the world.