“No translation necessary. I am practically fluent,” Gavril said. He waved. “Prince Gavril, your hostage, at your service Chiefess Hypatia, Chief Konstantin, High Priest.”
High Priest Panagiotis startled at being addressed, particularly without any derision.
“You are not very scared, considering your magic is blocked by your own horrific inventions and you are surrounded by your enemy. Your soldier did not speak well of you.”
“I would not speak well of that soldier.” Gavril’s eyes narrowed. “What is he saying about me?”
Hypatia grinned. “He’s not saying anything right now from six feet under the ground.”
Marcella had the suspicion the second she realized who Hypatia was talking about. After she got all the information out of him, he’d serve no purpose for her. Gavril’s eyes still widened a fraction, but he kept his expression controlled otherwise.
“Then before that.”
“When my soldiers first caught him, he didn’t say much at all, thanks to the silencing rune you set on him. We broke it eventually and it was easy to get him to talk after that. Of course… why should I tell you what he said? I think you know. Why else would you silence a man’s voice unless you fear what he’ll use it for?”
There was something dangerous in Hypatia’s eyes. Not in the unbalanced way there usually was after she’d used her Sight. This was completely composed, and that was far more dangerous.
What had Mage Hirtus told her? What could he have told her? Almost everything that mattered happened after Gavril had thrashed him and left him for dead.
“Maybe because I don’t suffer gossips and liars.”
Marcella forced herself not to look at Gavril. Did he know what Hypatia was getting at? How? What was she missing?
Hypatia crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him. “You do know who I am and what I do, don’t you?”
Marcella shifted infinitesimally closer to him before she could think better of it. He had not quite trusted her with his heart again, but he had put his life in her hands with wholehearted trust. She would prove herself worthy of it and earn that trust for his heart again.
“I am not scared. And I do know who you are. And what you’ve done.” Gavril’s jaw clenched. “Faustina is dearly missed.”
Hypatia’s lips curled up and Konstantin frowned, leaning over to whisper to Panagiotis who looked equally as confused. Hypatia said, “Then you know I am not one to be trifled with.”
“I do. I also know you want to avoid bloodshed. I think we have more in common than you would assume,” Gavril said, his eyes darting over Marcella. “My captor has treated me excellently on the way here.”
“Far better than you and yours have treated her, that I’m certain of.” Hypatia’s eyes narrowed in on Marcella. “Speaking of, I see you have brought me my hostage, but I do not see the Heart, little one.”
Marcella could only attribute her steady, unwavering voice to one of Asentai’s small miracles. “Unfortunately, I could not retrieve the Heart and still escape a city full of Inimicus without losing my hostage.”
High Priest Panagiotis let out a soft gasp and shook his head. Konstantin ran a hand through his hair before leaning over to the High Priest and saying something Marcella didn’t catch. She couldn’t afford to take her attention off Hypatia for a single second. Hypatia’s eyes narrowed as she rose from her seat to take advantage of one of the few differences between them, her slightly taller stature.
“Your orders were to return with both.”
Any other time, Marcella would have folded. But not when Gavril had placed this in her hands. She might fail anyway. Human hands always faltered. Especially hers. But she was going to pray that this time, hers might not.
“I could not return with both. So I had to choose. I chose what I had the best chance at escaping with. I could get to the prince. I could not get to the Heart.”
High Priest Panagiotis shot up, snapping, “You chose poorly! You chose like a heathen, leaving such a holy relic in the hands of the Inimicus and their heretics to defile what Asentai left to us.”
From Gavril’s posture beside her alone, she knew he had to be biting his tongue so hard he was tasting blood. But before he broke and revealed their closer relationship, Hypatia had already whipped around and fixed High Priest Panagiotis with a harsh glare. “This soldier is from Desero and under my command. You might be an authority on faith, but this army and my clan are still under my authority.”
Konstantin cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.
Hypatia, however, did not seem to take the hint as she flashed Konstantin a patronizing smile before saying to Panagiotis, “I have a whole list of generals, captains, and lieutenants whose opinions and orders rank more highly than yours.”
“Hypatia.” Konstantin started to push himself up from his seat, a clear admonishment in his tone.
She waved her hand dismissively. “Yes, yes, even Konstantin’s opinion matters more to me than yours in matters regarding my soldiers and how they execute their orders. When I wish to discuss Sight or matters regarding faith, your opinion will move up in consideration.”
“You are little better.” High Priest Panagiotis scoffed. “What use do we have for a prince you forgot they even had, until that Inimicus soldier reminded you, while they still hold the most sacred relic on this earth?”