“I see…” she whispered. “I—”
But she didn’t say whatever she had been about to. Instead, she took a deep breath and sat up straighter. “Hypatia will be furious I don’t have the Heart.”
She’d included in her explanation in her cell that the relic had a name. The Heart of Asentai. And how she’d been hiding just how valuable it really was.
“I know. I left it behind on purpose.” At her incredulous expression, he narrowed his eyes and she jerked back. His accent was sharper than usual as he said, “If this is going to be a fair negotiation for both your people and mine, then Nikias will need leverage.”
“You have thought of everything,” Marcella murmured as she looked over at the horses for a moment before at her left wrist. “Have you thought of what happens if we succeed?”
He should stay silent, insist they both get a little rest before continuing on.
Instead, he said, “I have.”
When he said nothing more, she closed her eyes and leaned her head against her knees. Gavril’s resolve was shattering. He was going to fold like he knew he would just looking at her. He could not.
He could not.
He could not bear it if she was simply that good at illusions and when he arrived at her people’s camp the truth finally came out fully.
So he pushed himself up, pretending like he was tending to the horses again.
But then—
He froze, one hand on his horse’s flank. Maybe if he didn’t respond—
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Her voice was shaking, like she was trying desperately to hold herself back and couldn’t. She raised her voice. “I love you. Do you understand me?”
If he didn’t stop her—
As he whipped around to face her, she pushed herself off the ground and switched to his language. “Love. I love you.”
He shook his head. If he didn’t snap, he was going to fold. “Stop it. You can drop the act. There’s no need any more. We will be amongst your people soon enough where you will have no need for my protection. You don’t have to make me believe a lie in order to get your freedom or peace anymore.”
Her eyes were watering, and Gavril believed in miracles simply for the fact that he was able to remain where he was and not pull her into his arms as she fought her tears.
“This is why I lied. This is why I hid it.” Marcella’s voice broke as she reached up and tried to scrub the tears away before they fell. Her eyes were burning even as they spilled over. “Because I love you, and I knew I would lose you. I just let myself believe for a minute I might not. You are proving my fears founded. But I would not change a thing.”
He could not be certain if her determination was her commitment to her ruse or was devotion born of love.
“You can treat me like a soldier and not your wife.” As she continued, her voice steadied, solidifying without losing its fire. “You are good at that. I never suspected for even a moment what we really were. But you will do it based on the truth. I will have you know I love you.”
She knew him well. He had exposed all of his weaknesses to her. And she was it. She knew his weakness was her. Was how desperately he wanted her to love him.
“Give it back,” he commanded as he held his hand out.
“What?” She blinked at him, eyes still shining in the morning light.
He could not waver.
“My cloak. Give it back.”
She gasped and immediately stepped back, clutching the clasp and fabric to her chest. She shook her head. “Please, don’t. Please, even if you cannot stand the sight of me in it, Ican’t.My—My scars, my people will see the scars. Hypatia will see—”
He turned on his heel so he didn’t have to look at her for the opposite reason she was assuming. He pulled out a spare cloak from his things and tossed it to her. She let it hit the ground as she clutched his cloak tighter.
“Your people will have more questions about you bringing in a prince and commander while wearing his cloak. Give it back, soldier.” He held his hand out again.