But… the mission itself…
Marcella swallowed, desperately trying to even out her breathing.
Earn Gavril’s trust enough to get him to take the limiters off her. Take him—a powerful commander and prince—captive and manage to get him across Inimicus territory and to Hypatia.
Or kill him.
And then the Inimicus would kill her.
Frankly, either way, she couldn’t lose.
She wanted freedom or death. Now she could get one.
She just had to fool Gavril.
After she’d proclaimed multiple curses over him and made it clear in no uncertain terms how much she hated him and wanted him to suffer for the rest of his life.
So… she had her work cut out for her.
If she did it.
But what other choice did she have?
She didn’t know what was an illusion and what was real. She didn’t know if the kindness he’d shown her was true and she’d spat on it or if he was playing some kind of scheme she couldn’t see.
But every day, he had her brought to the training grounds and not put on a table.
And lately… she was starting to believe maybe he had meant it when he’d promised to protect her.
But… it wasn’t enough. Marcella wrapped her right hand around her left wrist. She could feel the etching on the metal press into her palm as she traced the lines tattooed across her skin.
He’d captured her. Tricked her with a fake escape so she would submit herself and be bound to him. He’d promised she wouldn’t end up on the table and yet she had anyway.
She didn’t know what was real. What wasn’t.
But they were at war.
And he’d branded her.
And her people needed her to take him hostage.
So now she was going to get her vows and her freedom.
Or her death.
The next day when Marcella was brought out to the training grounds, she knew it was time to use her trick. It was only going to work once.
She had a lot to try to fix, and if it was going to be believable, it was going to have to be slow.
It also helped that Gavril seemed more distracted than usual. He dodged a little slower.
She purposefully fumbled a punch and swayed on her feet. Gavril immediately dropped his guard and lunged to catch her. She quickly straightened up, hooked her ankle around his right leg, and swept it out from under him. It sent them both to the ground, but Gavril went down first and Marcella caught herself, throwing her arms out to the ground and bracing herself on each side of Gavril’s head.