I’m certain you are aware that the Heart was captured along with you when my chariot was attacked. Losing the Heart was not in any of my visions or plans. I don’t know how you managed to stay alive for so long, especially after they’d heard of my marriage and discovered you weren’t me. It could only be Asentai’s light shining on you and favoring us.

So you can escape with the Heart and return it to us and the temple.

Especially with the information we have been hearing from how it was the prince himself who has overseen you since your capture. I cannot say we fully understand everything that has happened to you, but we hear that the prince brings you out to see you often, and the men who traveled with you back to the capital have been talking about how attentive he was to you throughout that trip.

According to the Inimicus mage we captured who claims to have been a soldier among the group before being left behind.

For whatever reason, you are in his notice. Take advantage of it.

You are in the Inimicus palace with an Inimicus prince who seeks you out. There is no one in a better position to gather information against them and repay them for what they tried to do to me.

I have tried every day since my marriage to activate a vision. To hear some whisper. To get even just a vague feeling, but so far my sight has not brought me anything.

Despite the inherent chaos of such dramatic changes that necessitated my ascension, with Clans Desero and Montis united but sovereign, the other clans are open to uniting against the Inimicus. My new husband believes he can convince them to join forces with us. However, as expected, there is… unease. While there are some who know I’m favored by Asentai because of my sight, other clans think my losing the Heart is a mark too deep against me. Frankly, little lookalike, I need a win. A clear sign of favor.

I think you can give that to me.

I think you can return the Heart to me and give me the Inimicus prince.

If we have their prince, we can force the Inimicus to heel. And if they do not listen with our vitae at his throat, we shall burn it out and while united, crush them.

Win the prince’s trust. Once your limiters are removed, capture him.

It shall be a challenge for you, I know, but if you succeed, there will be no mage in Clan Desero more honored than you despite your weakness. I will have the High Priest himself name us sisters so that any children you have shall be elevated in our clan as well. Your loyalty has not gone unnoticed. Prove yourself more than your vitae reservoir. Magic is only as good as the mind that wields it.

And if you cannot capture him, then kill him to cripple them.

If you escape after his death, I will fulfill my promise. Everything you’ve ever wanted will be yours. Belonging. Status. Family. And if you cannot escape, at least you will return to Asentai’s embrace.

May Asentai’s light be on you and your mission.

Chiefess Hypatia of Desero

The runes faded away as Marcella finished reading. The raven straightened back up and chirped before jumping into the air. Marcella couldn’t blame it because her hands were violently shaking, and she raised them immediately to cover her mouth. She stumbled back from the raven as it looped through the air and darted back through the bars to find its way back out of the dungeon.

Marcella couldn’t send a reply anyway with the limiters on.

Once it was out of sight, her knees hit the ground and her hands muffled the noise coming out of her throat. It was almost like a sob, but it was the happiest noise she’d made since she’d been captured.

Her people hadn’t forgotten her.

Hypatia hadn’t forgotten her.

Now she had an opportunity she’d never dreamed she would have. When Chief Eustathios ordered Marcella to take Hypatia’s place, there’d been no reward. No benefit. Marcella hadn’t expected one. The understanding was she would die. And even if it wasn’t all but certain she would die, she wouldn’t expect a reward anyway. As a soldier of the clan, she was to serve. No questions asked. No expectations. It was repayment for the life the clan gave her.

Marcella had known the only way her status in her clan could be elevated would be if she married someone of a higher status in her clan. Anyone of a high status wouldn’t look twice at someone with a Solitus mother, so she didn’t really consider it. She’d always expected she would marry someone of her status or even a Solitus herself if she was truly that desperate for children—or if she foolishly fell in love with one like her father had instead of a proper mage.

But she had hoped for it anyway. Marrying was the only way for Marcella to stop being a soldier. She made for a mediocre soldier, so she’d hoped maybe she’d be of more use to her clan by marrying and having children who might make for better mages than she was. It was the only way out of being a soldier for her since she wasn’t a good enough mage to be allowed to be one of the tutors for young mages.

Of course, a small girlish part of her that being a soldier had never fully beaten out of her just wanted to be loved even if her status stayed minuscule.

But now to know that if Asentai blessed her with this miracle, no matter what she would be Hypatia’s sister in the eyes of the clan? That she could marry and her children would be granted that status no matter who their father was?

Now she had the chance to be worth something to her people?

How could she refuse?

And even if not… as mediocre of a soldier she was, it wasn’t because she didn’t follow orders. Orders were the only thing about being a soldier she was good at. She needed them to get her up in the morning.