“Now I know what love is, my hope, and I am tortured.”

And… Gavril wasn’t certain he didn’t deserve it.



Marcella started to receive three meals a day. Good meals.

Every few days she even got water, a little bit of soap, and a rag so she could get some of the stale sweat and the dirt off her skin.

Maybe the commander had finally grown tired of her filth.

Marcella ate, only because she knew if she didn’t, the guards would likely tell Gavril about it. She really didn’t want to go through the whole ordeal of him likely holding her down and forcing her to eat.

And she knew now he had a weakness from observing his spar with Aimilia. She needed to get her strength up so she could take advantage of it.

So she fell back on the physical training routine she’d had before all of this. It wasn’t much, but she’d done more physically than most of the soldiers in her clan because she had so little vitae she could use for casting. She needed something else to do to try to make up for her mediocrity.

She could feel herself getting a little bit of strength back every day. When she was brought out to spar with Gavril, she didn’t try taking advantage of her new strategy to land a hit just yet. She wanted to make sure she would be able to do it right. She was only going to get one chance.

It wasn’t the kind of thing that was likely to work twice.

Aimilia didn’t come back to the sparring grounds following her fight with Gavril. Marcella wasn’t sure if after she’d been taken back to her cell Gavril had gone to try to fix things with his girl. He never said anything about it, and she didn’t ask.

He did look more…

She couldn’t put her finger on it because he didn’t look all that different. There was just an air about him, like he was tired? Or in pain? But he had no visible signs of it. His whole being screamed incongruence with his perfect physical appearance.

An illusion perhaps?

What else could explain it?

A week after Gavril’s fight with Aimilia, Marcella was in her cell on one of her off days, cross-legged and praying until her exhaustion dragged her to sleep before her mind could catch up to her and she could worry about whether or not tomorrow would be the day the guards turned right instead of left.

Her nightmares would haunt her effectively enough later.

She always woke up with a scream tearing out of her throat.

But before she was dragged off into sleep this night, something glowed in the dimness of the dungeon. Marcella blinked her eyes open to see something flying through the air toward her cell. There was a glow to its wings, lighting up its silver back.

A silver-backed raven.

Marcella shot to her feet, her heart leaping in her chest as her eyes watered. But for the first time since she’d been summoned before Chief Eustathios, they were tears of hope.

A silver-backed raven could only mean one thing.

Her clan hadn’t forgotten her. They hadn’t left her to die or be tortured.

She stretched her hands out and softly cooed, hoping the runes placed on the bird that had ensured it found her and had gotten it past a whole city of Inimicus mages would also keep the guards in the dungeons from hearing her.

The bird flew through the bars and landed on her outstretched palm and Marcella had to use all her strength not to collapse to the ground as its little talons curled around her index finger to perch. It let out a little chirp and bowed, stretching its wings out. The rune on its back lit up the air in front of her so she could read the message.

Marcella of Desero,

Somehow it has felt like seconds and decades since we left the estate. Frankly… I’m not entirely certain I believe the reports that you are alive. Until I see you for myself, I’m leaving your empty grave alone.

I’m not sure what knowledge you have, but my father is dead. High Priest Panagiotis has overseen both my marriage and my ascension. I am now Chiefess Hypatia of Desero, wife to Konstantin of Montis. Our clans are united in this alliance but still sovereign. It has been a trying time. Konstantin is… not suited for war. Fortunately, I am. When this is over, there will be time for mourning. But the fact that you are alive is a reason to thank Asentai for her providence.