Marcella watched them out of the corner of her eye while trying to catch her breath on the ground.
Gavril caught Aimilia by the arm and stopped her at the edge of the rectangle.
“—your brother—what—up to—lend a hand—” Aimilia said, keeping one eye on Marcella. “—watch when—fighting—”
Gavril scoffed. “—know—lending a hand—vicious mage—against your own people—even me—broke my arm.”
Marcella wasn’t certain her translation was accurate. Why would hispuellahave broken his arm?
“—sore about it—know I only did it—win—placed first—” Aimilia narrowed her eyes at his left wrist and then said, “You have no—talk—You broke—and broke my—”
“We weren’t—not officially—sorry—done is done—” He lowered his voice, but Marcella was still able to make out some of it. “—nothing—never was—not the way—should have been—I cared—so much respect for you—known each other—better—than I have ever deserved—not letting you beatmea uxorem—settle—”
Was… Was his girl worried about Marcella? Or rather, the way Gavril had been fixated on her? Was that why Aimilia had rushed down here while Gavril made a fool of Marcella?
Then again… she remembered how Gavril had held her after getting her off the table, and she could see why Aimilia would be concerned even if there was nothing to truly be concerned about.
Aimilia snapped, “—trust me—have it out—your brother I wouldn’t kill you—plan—over—sort this—took our—nomen—one of them and instead you—she did—alone with you—honorable mage—annoyingly so, I’ll add—break—lie all you want—settle with thelupawho—”
“—virum—my job—not letting you—settle—with me—” Gavril paused and then blinked. “Wait—you think—everyone’s saying? That she—” Gavril let out a sharp laugh before saying the last two words Marcella couldn’t translate.
Marcella pushed herself up onto her knees and she outright watched them now. Something twisted in her stomach hearing him laugh at whatever Aimilia said. She didn’t know why. She didn’t like it.
She didn’t like that it had mattered enough to affect her.
No. She just didn’t like it because it meant he wasn’t miserable.
But Aimilia didn’t find whatever he had said so amusing as her cheeks darkened as red as her hair. She snapped at him, “—they are—obvious—clearly she took—you knew it, you made a mistake—could think to do to—being killed—a bleeding heart—man so wholly lose—involve a girl—I know you—how well I know you—behave so dishonorably—trapped you.”
Gavril, however, was still laughing, but it wasn’t quite like the laughs Marcella had heard from him before. There was something dark and bitter in it. She supposed she was finally hearing his real laugh.
“—me guess, you’re the one who started—believes because—knows why—break—here with anuxorem—be you. You think you know me—think I’m some animal—second I’m away—think I’m—be stolen. Aimilia—stolen from—belong. I’m sorry—ever think there was a reason I kept putting off—my brother thinks—no fixing—my decision—to live with it.”
Aimilia glared down at Marcella again before making a disgusted noise in the back of her throat. Then she turned on her heel and threw behind her. “—saying that for long—go ahead—dirt with yourlupa—you’re looking for.”
Gavril closed his eyes and took a deep breath as Aimilia stormed back inside. Then he opened his eyes and looked over at the Inimicus who pretended like they suddenly hadn’t been paying attention to his conversation with Aimilia. He snapped, “—all enjoy—”
They immediately scattered across the courtyard. Gavril turned back to where Marcella was still watching him. He tilted his head and said in her language, “You understand very little, don’t you?”
“You speak like you are throwing knives. I only catch a few.”
He stepped toward her and stretched his hand out. She pushed herself to her feet on her own and lifted her fists, ready to go again. He shook his head. “No more. You’re done.”
“I didn’t land a single hit.”
“Always tomorrow.” Gavril stepped toward her, but she stepped back. He shook his head and waved the guards over. “Rest.”
Marcella watched the guards approaching and muttered, “Long day ahead then?”
Gavril crossed his arms and looked away, but she could see him… it seemed like he was clenching his jaw.
The guards took her by her arms and started leading her away. She looked back over her shoulder to see Gavril talking to the Inimicus again, but this time his head was tilted, just enough that she could see he was watching her out of the corner of his eye and his lips had the ghost of a smile.
Marcella didn’t know how, but it was the only thing she was living for now. She would have him suffer.