“You better make this worth it, Rizzo,” she whispers as we reach the table. I unzip her dress, skating my fingertips along her spine as I do. She shivers and my pulse races when I don’t run into anything along the way—no bra. Which means in about six seconds, I’m going to be in heaven.
“I plan to,” I say, biting at her lip as she steps out of her heels. I tug the straps of her dress down her shoulders and it whispers down her body like a silk waterfall, pooling at her feet. I grip her hips and lift her onto the table, making her gasp in surprise. I take a moment to appreciate the absolute beauty that is Nat topless, anddear God.I put my palms on the tabletop on either side of her hips and lean in to kiss her again, hardly able to go a few seconds without my lips on hers, and she widens her knees, making room for my hips between her thighs. I trail kisses along her jaw and down the column of her throat, over her collarbone.
She moans quietly and tangles her hands in my hair, unabashedly guiding my mouth where she wants it. I obey, happy to give her anything and everything she needs. I hadn’t been lying before: I absolutely love giving women all the attention. Of course I love getting off too, I’m not a fucking saint, but getting them off first—more than once—is like crack. I think it’s the whole being too competitive thing. I always have been, both on and off the ice, so I wasn’t really surprised when it ended up bleeding over into the bedroom too. I feel the need to be the best in everything, and the best don’t leave their women unsatisfied. They leave them with jelly for legs, hardly able to breathe and with their voices hoarse from screams of ecstasy.
So, yeah, absolutely worshiping a beautiful woman until she can barely stand? That’s my idea of a good fucking time.
I flick my tongue over one tight nipple, making her groan loudly and dig her nails into my scalp. I trail one hand downward while I close my lips around her, sucking hard, and tunnel my fingers beneath the tiny piece of lace pretending to be a thong. She doesn’t hesitate for a second, just spreads her legs wider, begging for me to touch her, and I give her what she wants, quickly slipping a finger inside.
“Fuck, Nat,” I moan around her nipple, pulling back to stare at her while I pump my finger slowly, building her up and up. “Still soaked for me.”
“More,” she breathes, rocking her hips and gripping my waist, looking nearly mindless already. I smile at her, holding her gaze while I add another finger, thrusting and curling them to hit that little hidden spot. “Ah God, don’t stop.”
“Lay back,” I say quietly, leaning in to nip gently at her lower lip. I pull back and her eyes go wide, the tiniest bit of hesitation finally settling in. She swallows hard.
“Are you…I mean, you don’t have to…I know a lot of guys don’t like—” I silence her with a hard kiss and another thrust of my fingers.
“I’m not a lot of guys, Nat. Let’s get that straight right now. When I said I want to worship every inch of you all night long, I wasn’t kidding.” Her breath hitches.
“You…you didn’t exactlysaythat…” she tries to point out, though the end of the sentences trails off as I increase my rhythm and her eyes slide closed in distracted bliss.
“It was heavily implied,” I say with a grin and her lips curl at the corners. She opens her eyes again, studying me to see if I’m bullshitting I’m guessing. I grab her hand with my free one and move her palm over my aching cock. I’m harder than I’ve ever been. She gasps quietly and starts to move her hand on her own, stroking and making me lose all my concentration for a long moment. Finally I remember what I was doing.
“Does this convince you?” I ask, putting my hand over hers, moving in time with her. “Thinking about my tongue on you is making me fucking hard as stone, Nat. That taste of you in the elevator nearly brought me to my knees. I want more. Ineedmore. Believe me when I say that if I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t. I’m stubborn as fuck.” She huffs out a laugh, but her pupils are blown wide and she looks like she might die from anticipation. I grin at her, knowing I’m about to get exactly what I want. I remove my hand, my fingers fucking soaked, and I try to suppress the shudder of pleasure that sends through me.
“Lay. Back,” I tell her again as I slide to my knees in front of the table, hooking my fingers in the sides of her thong as I go and tugging it down. She shimmies enough to help me out and soon it’s somewhere on the floor behind me. She obeys, laying back on the table, but she presses up on her elbows to watch as I stare at her, rubbing a hand over my mouth.Fucking hell. Bare. Wet. Open and practically quivering.
“Jesus Christ, Nat.”
“Rizzo,” she breathes. “Please…”
“Oh baby, no need to beg.” With that, I lean in, throw her thighs over my shoulders, and fucking feast. I alternate long, languid laps of my tongue, enjoying the taste and heat of her, with faster thrusts and flicks, driving her higher and higher. She collapses back on the table after the first touch of my tongue, crying out something unintelligible, her back bowing off the surface as I do as promised and worship the goddess before me. She’s fucking beautiful and sexy and hot and somehow even adorable at the same time with all the little noises she makes, the way her hands move restlessly from the table to her eyes, to her hair, to reach for my head, then back to dig into the table again, like she can’t quite decide what to do or how to stay sane.
“God you taste so fucking good, Nat.” She whimpers and rolls her hips, begging for more.
“Don’t stop. Right there…ah God, I’m close, Rizz, please…” I don’t dare stop, giving her exactly what she needs and reaching down to palm my erection as she explodes on my tongue. She cries out, thighs clenching tightly around me, and I slow things down the tiniest bit as her orgasm rocks through her. But I don’t stop, because I’m not nearly done.
“Rizzo, I can’t…”
“Oh you fucking can, Nat. I promise you can.” I change rhythm as the last of the shudders and spasms finally calm, but soon enough I’m building her up and up and up, again and again, adding my fingers and gently sucking her clit.
“Oh my God…fuck, Rizz!” she screams as another orgasm rips through her. I grin as she writhes and whimpers. My forehead and chest are both beaded with sweat and my cock is nearly fucking bursting. She sits up and pushes me away for real this time.
“As amazing as that was, don’t you fucking dare try to do that again right now, Thirst Trap,” she snaps. I give her a look that’s half pout, half disgruntled—I could get her to go at least three more times, easy. She crooks her finger at me and I rise from the floor. She leans in and runs her hands over my chest and down my stomach, before unbuttoning my pants and quickly shoving her hand. I choke out a sound that’s honestly a little embarrassing as she wraps her palm around my shaft. She leans in and kisses me, not seeming to mind tasting herself on my lips. It’s kind of fucking hot, actually.
“I need you to fuck me, Rizzo. I need you to fuck me right now,hard.”
“Yes ma’am,” I pant with a grin. I gently grip her wrist, making her remove her hand so I can get out of these clothes. I shove my pants and briefs down and step out while she stares. I’m not shy. Hell, you might even call me arrogant. I know that I look good—and work damn hard to stay that way, mind you—and I know that I’m no slouch in this department either, so I let her look as much as she wants. Her breasts rise and fall in quick bursts as she pants, licking her bottom lip as she reaches out to grip me again. It’s heaven. It’s agony. I’ll never get enough of this. I reach out and slide one hand in her hair as she strokes, my eyes sliding closed.
“Ah, fuck, Nat. I love your hands on me.” I open my eyes and look down to watch as she moves. The sight of my cock in her fist…hell, I could come just like this.
“Ya know,” she whispers as she strokes, and I watch raptly, one hand still firmly in her hair. “I expected bigger.” It takes me a second before I realize what she’s said and I snap my head up to find her grinning a sultry, flirty little smile that makes my chest twist. She laughs lightly and I shake my head.
“Ooh baby, you’ll regret that one.” She digs her teeth into her bottom lip, that sexy challenge in her eyes.
“Promise?” she breathes and fuck if this isn’t the most fun I’ve had in months.
I grip her hips and lift her from the table, setting her on her feet but quickly turning her so her back is to my chest. I wrap one arm around her breasts and reach the other hand down to rub her clit. She moans loudly, leaning her head back against my chest.