Page 58 of Puck of the Irish

He smiles and he looks so damn gorgeous that it takes my breath away.

“You look absolutely beautiful, Nat,” he says in a low voice as his eyes travel down my body and up again. He traces his tongue over his bottom lip, biting it gently before grinning. He arches a brow and cocks his head, clearly asking me why I’m still all the way across the room. I walk towards him on somewhat numb legs, my heart in my throat, and when I’m just a foot or so away, he sinks down to one knee.

“Oh my God,” I whisper.

He pulls out a box and holds it out towards me. I hold my breath as he slowly opens the lid?—

“Holy shit,” I gasp when I see the stunning ring within and he huffs out a quiet laugh. It’s an absolutely massive solitary cushion cut diamond in the center, with smaller diamonds lining the two thin bands that split to cradle the larger stone. I can’t even begin to guess how big the thing is or how much it cost. It’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. This has to be a dream. Ihaveto be dreaming…right?

“I know that this is crazy fast and that we haven’t been dating all that long, but they always say when you know, you know. And Iknow, Nat. Deep in my soul and beyond a shadow of a doubt, I know that you are the only one for me. From the second I heard you squeak when you first met me…” My eyes fly wide for a second.

“Oh Godyou heard that??” He’s never brought it up before, so I always assumed he didn’t notice. His smile somehow gets even broader and I groan, covering my face.

“Of course I did and it was fucking adorable. Even in that moment, I knew that you had me. I’m not going to lie and say it was love at first sight, but you caught my eye in every possible way that day, caught my attention like no one else had, and when we all started hanging out, everything in my life just shifted without me even realizing it. Everything was pointing me to you, Nat. You became one of my best friends, and now, I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. You make me feel likemein a way no one else has, like I’m more than just a hockey player or a thirst trap or whatever else. To you, I’m just AJ and it feels so fucking good to have that in my life. I never knew how much I needed it until you. And, yeah, it’s a little scary, but if there’s anyone that I want on this crazy, terrifying, amazing ride with me, it’s you. You’re my best friend and the love of my fucking life, and I can’t imagine not spending every second of every day of forever with you. So, will you marry me?”

Tears track down my cheeks and I hold his gaze.

“You’re serious?”

“As a fucking heart attack, baby.” He grins and waits. “So, is that a yes, or…”

“Yes,” I say, laughing through the tears. “Yes, yes, yes!” Zamboni barks again and spins around in circles when AJ slides the ring on my finger. He stands and cups my face between his hands, leaning in and kissing me like there’s no tomorrow. I wrap my arms around him and he picks me up, spinning me around and I can feel him smile against my lips. He sets me down and then voices erupt from behind us.

I turn to see our friends pouring into the room, all smiling and clapping and, in Hattie’s case, crying.

“You knew??” I ask. “You all knew!?”

“We did,” Howey confirms.

“Ididn’t until about 5 minutes ago,” Jules complains.

“That’s because you can’t keep a secret for shit,” Shep says, tugging AJ into a bear hug while Hattie strangles me in one of her own. I catch Jules and Bobby sharing a quick look before they both tear their gazes away and join in the congratulations.

I eye Hattie with a narrowed gaze. “So this is why you were deliberately shooting down every housing option I found?” She smiles a little sheepishly.

“Well, I didn’t want you to lose out on a deposit and first months’ when you already had a place waitin’ for you—assuming you said yes, of course. If you hadn’t, or if you aren’t ready to live with this knucklehead, I’ll really start helping you look for places tomorrow.” I look over at AJ, laughing and smiling with the guys, and my heart just can’t fucking take it.

“I think I’m just fine here.” She squeals and jumps up and down.

“Wait, so there was never any St. Patrick’s Day party? But it’s your tradition.”

“Oh there’s still a party. A huge one. But this was more important to do first.”

I wrap my arms around him again while Hattie pours everyone champagne.

“I’m more important than St. Paddy’s Day? Wow.”

“It’s a close second.” He kisses me and then grasps my hand, bringing it to his lips as well. He kisses my finger, just above the diamond. “I’d planned to give you a Claddagh ring, actually, but, well, I couldn’t find one with a big enough rock attached to it to be honest.”

I throw my head back and laugh at that, kissing him again and assuring him that I would have been happy with a piece of string tied around my finger if it meant I got to be engaged to him.

“Oh in that case, we’ll just take this baby back tomorrow then…” I yank my hand away, cradling it to my chest protectively and he grins.

“I said Iwouldhave been happy with the string. You chose otherwise and well, no take backs, sucker.”

“Alright y’all, hush!” Hattie calls over the din. It’s a small group, but the Sin Bin—plus Jax, who has become a new honorary member in recent weeks—aren’t known for our inside voices. We all quiet down. “Ok, everyone got their champagne?” We all nod and she raises her glass, all of us mirroring the motion. AJ slides one arm around the small of my back, holding me close to his side, and I snuggle in just a bit closer. Her eyes water as she meets his eyes and then mine.The big softie, I think as I blink away my own tears.

“To two of the best people I know. I’m so happy you both got over being complete idiots and figured your shit out.” Everyone laughs and Shep leans in to kiss her on the temple. I know one day they’ll be where we are and I’ll be giving the toast to them. “I cannot wait to see you spend forever together. We love you. Sláinte!”